Ilchenko, V. I.Sizova, L. M.Tanianska, S. M.Nesina, I. M.Pikul, K. V.Ільченко, Валентина ІванівнаСизова, Людмила МихайлівнаТанянська, Світлана МихайлівнаНесіна, Інна МиколаївнаПікуль, Катерина ВікторівнаИльченко, Валентина ИвановнаСизова, Людмила МихайловнаТанянская, Светлана МихайловнаНесина, Инна НиколаевнаПикуль, Екатерина Викторовна2021-11-292021-11-292019Modern approach to the problem of pertussis / V. I. Ilchenko, L. М. Sіzova, S. М. Tanianskaia, I. N. Nesina, K. V. Pikul // Wiadomości Lekarskie. – 2019. – Vol. LXXII, № 3. – P. 466–471.0043-5147 Recently, there has been a tendency to increase the incidence of pertussis in many countries of the world and this disease in these countries is among 10 most serious causes of death in young children. The aim of the work − is to analyze specialized scientific literature for generalization of data and present a modern look at questions of etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and immunoprophylaxis of pertussis. Materials and methods: Available scientific sources over the past years, devoted to the problem of pertussis are studied by the methods of overview, system and content analysis. Review and conclusions: The main questions of pertussis are outlined. Timely diagnosis, treatment and immunoprophylaxis allow adjusting the actions of doctors to solve the issues of the decrease of the incidence of pertussis. This is greatly helped by modern guidelines for the management of patients with this pathology.enpertussischildrentreatmentpreventionModern approach to the problem of pertussisNowoczesne podejście do problemu krztuścaArticle