Emelyanov, DmitryEmelyanova, NataliyaPetrushanko, TatyanaGalchinska, ValentinaBondar, TatyanaOtchenashenko, OlenaЄмельянов, Дмитро ВікторовичЄмельянова, Наталія ЮріївнаПетрушанко, Тетяна ОлексіївнаГальчинська, ВалентинаБондар, ТетянаОтченашенко, Олена2023-01-232023-01-232022Telomere length of the gums of patients with diabetes mellitus in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease / D. V. Emelyanov, N. Yu. Emelyanova, T. О. Petrushanko [et al.] // Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental. – 2022. – Vol. 128, supplement, 154984. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.metabol.2021.154984https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/19809Background: It is known that all pathological conditions in the organs and tissues of the periodontium, especially on the background of metabolic diseases, are accompanied by a reduction in the vital activity of cells, an acceleration of the processes of their aging and death. Measurement of telomere length can become a reliable marker of decreased activity of periodontal cells in patients with diabetes mellitus.enTelomere length of the gums of patients with diabetes mellitus in non-alcoholic fatty liver diseaseArticlej.metabol.2021.154984