Tkachenko, E. V.Sartipi, H. N.Serdar, B.Buşra, A.Aqib, M.Ткаченко, Олена Вікторівна2022-03-142022-03-142022Turkish scientists contribution in widening the data on typological aspects study applied significance / E. V. Tkachenko, H. N. Sartipi, B. Serdar [et al.] // Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Trends of Modern Science and Practice”, (Ankara, Turkey, February 8–11, 2022). – Ankara, 2022. – P. 243–246. review article results emphasize Turkish scientists huge contribution in widening the data concerning to typological aspects applied significance in Science various branches (Dentistry, Cosmetic Medicine, Neurology, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics, Gynecology, Neonatology and Pediatry, Hematology Endocrinology, Sport Medicine, Pedagogical Sciences, Psychology, Infectious Diseases) as well as essentiality to study and to take into consideration typological aspects in a complex. The authors pay separate attention to their contribution into asymmetry and sinistrality study.endentistrycosmetic medicineneurologyophthalmologyobstetricsgynecologyneonatologypediatryhematologyendocrinologysport medicinepedagogical scienceslateralitysinistralityleft-handednessright- handednesshandednessfootednessmuscular-skeletalprofessional disordersdentistsface asymmetrieseyes asymmetryeyednessglaucomasedentary peopleaphthous stomatitismenwomenestradiolnasal cycleautismcoronavirus epidemyremote learningeducation foreign applicants,acculturationsocial adaptationpsychological distresstypological aspectsethnic typological aspectgender typological aspectage typological aspectethno-gender typological aspectethno-age typological aspectvitamin B12 deficiencyTurkish scientists contribution in widening the data on typological aspects study applied significanceArticle