Tkachenko, E. V.Ткаченко, Олена Вікторівна2021-08-162021-08-162021Tkachenko E. V. Human typological aspects contribution into autonomic regulation activity in norm and pathology / E. V. Tkachenko // International Scientific Innovations in Human Life : proceedings of I International Scientific and Practical Conference, Manchester, United Kingdom, July 28–30, 2021. – Mancheste : Cognum Publishing House, 2021. – P. 70–77.978-92-9472-195-2 regulation is considered to be separate regulation form in human organism. Vegetative-vascular dystony which can be accompanied by any cell damaging represents actual problem of Science various branches and its multi- facetated study is performed in different countries that describes ethnic typological aspect. Age and gender belong to rather influencive internal factors that involve gender and age typological aspect separately and in a complex with the ethnic one in autonomic nervous system condition determining both under physiological and pathological conditions. We present both literary review data as well as the own ones illustrating such determination.enautonomic nervous systemautonomic regulationtypological aspectsstudentsHuman typological aspects contribution into autonomic regulation activity in norm and pathologyArticle001.1