Vasylyeva, K.Bezeha, O.Yemchenko, Ya.Васильєва, Катерина ВолодимирівнаБезега, Олена ВікторівнаЄмченко, Яна Олександрівна2022-11-072022-11-072022-04Vasylyeva K. Experience of treatment for fungal diseases in Poltava region / K. Vasylyeva, O. Bezeha, Ya. Yemchenko // Proceedings of the ХIII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Multidisciplinary academic research, innovation and results», Prague, Czech Republic, April 05–08, 2022. – Prague, 2022. – P. 364–368.979-8-88526-749-6 results/ diseasesmycosesskinnailshairmucous membranesCandidaTrichophytonEpidermophytonMicrosporumTerbinafineGriseofulvinFlukonazoleNistatinExperience of treatment for fungal diseases in Poltava regionThesis10.46299/ISG.2022.1.1301.1