Tsuber, V.Kadamov, Y.Brautigam, L.Warpman-Berglund, U.Helleday, T.Цубер, Вікторія Юріївна2017-11-012017-11-012017-07-03Mutations in cancer cause gain of cysteine, histidine and tryptophan at the expense of a net loss of arginine on the proteome level / V. Tsuber, Y. Kadamov, L. Brautigam [et al.] // Biomolecules. – 2017. – № 7. – P. 49–67.DOI 10.3390/biom7030049https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2089Accumulation of somatic mutations is critical for the transition of a normal cell to become cancerous. Mutations cause amino acid substitutions that change properties of proteins. However, it has not been studied to what extent the composition and accordingly chemical properties of the cell proteome is altered as a result of the increased mutation load in cancer. Here, we analyzed data on amino acid substitutions caused by mutations in about 2000 protein coding genes from the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia that contains information on nucleotide and amino acid alterations in 782 cancer cell lines, and validated the analysis with information on amino acid substitutions for the same set of proteins in COSMIC (v78) in circa 18000 tumor samples. We found that nonsynonymous single nucleotide substitutions in the analyzed proteome subset ultimately result in a net gain of cysteine, histidine and tryptophan at the expense of a net loss of arginine. The extraordinary loss of arginine may be attributed to some extent to composition of its codons as well as to importance of arginine in functioning of prominent tumor suppressor proteins like p53.enmutations in canceramino acid substitutionssomatic evolutionarginineмутації при ракуамінокислотні замінисоматична еволюціяаргінінмутации в ракеаминокислотные заменысоматическая эволюцияаргининMutations in cancer cause gain of cysteine, histidine and tryptophan at the expense of a net loss of arginine on the proteome levelМутації в раку викликають збільшення кількості цистеїну, гістидину та триптофану за рахунок втрати аргініну на рівні протеомиМутации в раке вызывают увеличение количества цистеина, гистидина и триптофана за счет потери аргинина на уровне протеомыArticle