Havryliev, V. M.Ivanytska, O. S.Boiko, I. V.Bukhanchenko, O. P.Khattu, V. V.Гаврильєв, Віктор МиколайовичІваницька, Олена СергіївнаБойко, Ігор ВасильовичБуханченко, Ольга ПетрівнаХатту, Вікторія Віталіївна2023-01-242023-01-242022Correcting disorders of parotid gland secretion in patients with neurogenic salivary adenitis / V. M. Havryliev, O. S. Ivanytska, I. V. Boiko [et al.] // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2022. – № 1 (163). – P. 214–219.2077-4214https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/19846The salivary glands are highly sensitive to neural influences, which is why the study assessing their conditioned reflex activity is quite relevan. Nonetheless, their reactive changes that occur as a result of such generalized disorders as neuropathy are the least studied among all of the salivary gland diseases. Today, the number of neuropathy patients is growing steadily due to the active development of the technosphere. In fact, extrafocal neuropathy reflects reactions in response to stressful situations and the development of functional disorders in all parenchymal organs as a result of these factors (including large salivary glands with subsequent chronic inflammation). The issue of neurogenic salivary adenitis (NSA) is given very little attention in the modern body of literature. The research aims to develop a differentiated approach to correcting functional disorders of the parotid glands in patients with elevated psychological responses. Depending on the severity of neurogenic salivary adenitis, the following treatment measures were prescribed to patients with the parotid gland dysfunction: duct bougienage of the studied glands, their massage, ectericide and proteolytic enzyme (trypsin) instillation into the ducts, electrophoresis of the affected gland area with 5% ascorbic acid solution, professional oral cavity hygiene procedures at the dentist’s office, Persen-forte, Drotaverine, retinol acetate, and AlfaVit multivitamin supplement. The treatment and prevention programs that were prescribed to NSA patients contributed to the elimination of the pathological process in the affected salivary glands in most patients (according to cytological secretion examination), improving their morphofunctional state, as well as the general somatic condition of patients (by reducing anxiety level).enneurogenic salivary adenitiscorrectiontreatmentсіалоаденіт неврогенного походженнялікувальний алгоритмCorrecting disorders of parotid gland secretion in patients with neurogenic salivary adenitisКорекція розладів секреції привушних залоз у пацієнтів з сіалоаденітом неврогенного походженняArticle10.29254/2077-4214-2022-1-163-214-219616.316.5:616.833