Шепітько, Костянтин ВолодимировичШепитько, Константин ВладимировичShepitko, K. V.Шепітько, Володимир ІвановичШепитько, Владимир ИвановичShepitko, V. I.2017-11-162017-11-162015Shepitko К. Comparative description of rat small intestine response in aseptic inflammation of peritoneum along with administration of cryopreserved placenta / К. Shepitko, V. Shepitko // European International Journal of Science and Technology. – 2015. – Vol. 4, № 5. – P. 106–113.2304-9693https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2993The paper was aimed at the comparative analysis of changes in morphometric parameters of rat small intestine in acute aseptic inflammation of the peritoneum and its correction by cryopreserved placenta transplantation. The analysis of the parameters of three segments of small intestine (duodenum, jejunum and ileum) has shown that in simulated acute aseptic inflammation of the peritoneum the increase of studied parameters was noted on day 14 with subsequent decrease of these parameters to day 30. In transplantation of cryopreserved placenta in conjunction with acute aseptic inflammation of the peritoneum the increase of studied parameters with peak values on day 5-7 is observed. Interestingly, such increase is significant during the analysis of the parameters of duodenum and jejunum р<0,05, in the ileum insignificant. A decrease of values for these parameters occurs starting from day 7, and on day 21-30 they are within the values of the intact group.ensmall intestineinflammationperitoneumtransplantation of cryopreserved placentaintestine wall thicknessmorphometryComparative description of rat small intestine response in aseptic inflammation of peritoneum along with administration of cryopreserved placentaArticle