Дельва, Ю. В.Дрогомерецька, О. І.Курилів, Г. М.Штефюк, О. В.Дельва, Ю. В.Дрогомерецкая, О. И.Курылив, Г. Н.Штефюк, А. В.Delva, Yu. V.Drohomeretska, O. I.Kuryliv, G. M.Shtefyuk, O. V.2021-08-032021-08-032018Оптимізація викладання циклу ревматології в субординатурі / Ю. В. Дельва, О. І. Дрогомерецька, Г. М. Курилів, О. В. Штефюк // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2018. – Вип. 2 (144). – С. 263–266.2523-41102077-4214https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16409У статті узагальнений досвід викладання ревматології студентам випускного курсу. Зроблений акцент на основні моменти викладання на циклі, використанні сучасних прийомів навчальної роботи, активних методів навчання, використання можливостей мультимедійних технологій із урахуванням сучасних умов та вимог до навчання. Особливу увагу приділено клінічним обходам у спеціалізованому відділенні та самостійній роботі студентів із хворими на ревматологічні захворювання, підкреслена важлива роль психотерапевтичного підходу в клінічній практиці, використання різноманітних активних методів навчання в субординатурі. Все це не тільки покращить засвоєння студентами матеріалу циклу, але й стимулюватиме їх до набуття нових професійних знань, до розвитку клінічного мислення та творчого потенціалу.В статье обобщен опыт преподавания ревматологии студентам выпускного курса. Сделан акцент на основные моменты преподавания на цикле, использование современных приемов учебной работы, активных методов обучения, возможностей мультимедийных технологий с учетом современных условий и требований к обучению. Особое внимание уделено клиническим обходам в специализированном отделении и самостоятельной работе студентов с больными ревматологическими заболеваниями, подчеркнута важная роль психотерапевтического подхода в клинической практике, использования разнообразных активных методов обучения в субординатуре. Все это не только улучшит усвоение студентами материала цикла, но и будет стимулировать их к приобретению новых профессиональных знаний, к развитию клинического мышления и творческого потенциала.The article summarizes the experience of putting the rheum of a student atology graduation course. The emphasis is placed on the main points of teaching in the cycle, the use of modern methods of teaching work, active teaching methods, the use of multimedia technologies, taking into account modern conditions and require-ments for training. Particular attention is paid to clinical trials in a specialized department and independent work of students with patients with rheumatologic diseases. The individual work of a subordinate teacher is to control the level of professional competence and knowledge of the student, his ability to work with the patient, his ability to interpret the results of laboratory and additional research methods, practically carry out the necessary appointments and manipulations, knowledge of medical documentation. One of the key factors in improving the quality of training of medical personnel capable of independent practice is the use of innovative teaching methods in pedagogical practice. Knowledge the professional skills acquired through interactive learning are much stronger and deeper, are stably fixed and easy to apply in further professional activities. In the modern period in the teaching methodology, considerable attention is given to the use in the educational process of modern multi-media technologies, first of all, multimedia presentations. Active teaching methods stimulate intellectual, mental and cognitive activity of students, encourage them to make autonomous decisions in complex clinical cases, and contribute to the formation of a creative attitude to work. Active teaching methods expand and deepen knowledge, while developing practical skills and abilities. In rheumatology practice it is extremely important to consider and use a psychotherapeutic approach, which involves taking into account individual characteristics and psychology of the patient, methods of communication with others around him. Particularly relevant issue of psychotherapy is due to pain impairment, as if not the most important factor in the clinic of the majority of rheumatic diseases, evaluation of complex neurodynamics of those neurophysiological and psychophysiological phenomena, which are the basis of medical techniques. In the modern period, in the teaching process, a great deal of attention is paid to the use in modernization of modern multimedia technologies, first of all, multimedia presentations, which have proven themselves as highly effective, visual, modern and readily accessible to students to receive teaching females, in particular lecture material. A multimedia presentation is a program that contains texts, photographs, X-rays, surveys, ocepts, drawings, sound design, speaker accompaniment, video clips, animation, 3D graphics, and more. The main difference of presentations from other methods of providing information is saturation of content and interactivity – the ability to change in some way and activate the student audience, to create an effect of the presentation. Presentations allow students to master the teaching material more fully and comprehensively, hence optimize learning and create enormous opportunities for individual creativity in selecting information, editing material in accordance with the purpose, objectives of each class in a particular group of students. When choosing an illustrative material, it is advisable to provide association cards to the Incas, which highlight the main issues of the topic, emphasize the issues, set issues for discussion and discussions. Illustrative material must be specific, logically and rationally correspond with the text components and slides. Multimedia presentations should shape the future culture of the future professional physician, teach subordinate students how to think independently, and develop the training material, which will further stimulate it to work on their own professional development, develop intellectual abilities, as not only the acquisition of knowledge and practical skills but also as well as the ability to acquire them through a variety of telecommunication technologies. Interactivity in teaching provides contact, dialogue and feedback to the audience. The teacher can complete all stages of the didactic cycle within one session of informational work. At the end of the cycle, the students make a thorough control, after completing the cycle, it is important to focus them on the need to acquire new knowledge and the further development of clinical thinking and creative potential, their readiness for self-practical work, in particular, in emergencies. All of the above will not only improve students’ mastering of the cycle material rheumatology but also stimulate them to acquire new professional knowledge, to develop clinical thinking and creativity.ukоптимізація викладанняцикл ревматологіясубординатураоптимизация преподаванияцикл ревматологиясубординатураОптимізація викладання циклу ревматології в субординатуріОптимизация преподавания цикла ревматология в субординатуреOptimization of teaching of the cycle of rheumatology in the subordinateArticle10.29254/2077-4214-2018-2-144-263-266378.147+614.253.1