Rustamian, S. T.Katerenchuk, I. P.Катеренчук, Іван ПетровичРустамян, Сатєнік Тігранівна2022-10-192022-10-192021Rustamian S. T. Comparative analysis of clinical manifestations of anxiety and depression in patients undergoing renal replacement therapy with concomitant type 2 diabetes mellitus / S. T. Rustamian, I. P. Katerenchuk // Світ медицини та біології. – 2021. – № 1 (75). – C. 144–148.2079-833410.26724/2079-8334-2021-1-75-144-148 article presents the comparative analysis results on clinical manifestations of anxiety and depression in patients undergoing renal replacement therapy, namely programmed hemodialysis, taking into account the concomitant type 2 diabetes mellitus. Patients undergoing renal replacement therapy, namely, program hemodialysis, have a higher risk of anxiety and depressive disorders than patients with chronic stage I-II kidney disease undergoing conservative therapy. Concomitant diabetes mellitus in patients undergoing renal replacement therapy causes an increase in the frequency of anxiety and depression.This article presents the comparative analysis results on clinical manifestations of anxiety and depression in patients undergoing renal replacement therapy, namely programmed hemodialysis, taking into account the concomitant type 2 diabetes mellitus. Patients undergoing renal replacement therapy, namely, program hemodialysis, have a higher risk of anxiety and depressive disorders than patients with chronic stage I-II kidney disease undergoing conservative therapy. Concomitant diabetes mellitus in patients undergoing renal replacement therapy causes an increase in the frequency of anxiety and depression.enchronic kidney diseasediabetes mellitusprogram hemodialysisanxietydepressionхронічна хвороба нирокцукровий діабетпрограмний гемодіалізтривогадепресіяComparative analysis of clinical manifestations of anxiety and depression in patients undergoing renal replacement therapy with concomitant type 2 diabetes mellitusПорівняльний аналіз клінічних проявів тривоги та депресії у хворих, які перебувають на нирково-замісній терапії, з урахуванням наявності у них цукрового діабету 2-го типуArticle616.61-036.86:616.8-085.851