Petrushanko, T. A.Chereda, V. V.Loban’, G. A.Петрушанко, Тетяна ОлексіївнаЧереда, Вікторія ВолодимирівнаЛобань, Галина Андріївна2017-10-242017-10-242017Petrushanko T. A. The relationship between colonization resistance of the oral cavity and individual-typological characteristics of personality: dental aspects / T. A. Petrushanko, V. V. Chereda, G. A. Loban' // Wiadomości lekarskie. ─ 2017. ─ 70, № 4. ─ P. 754─757. The present article deals w ith the role of the oral mucosa colonization resistance in the implementation of the influence of individual-typological characteristics of the individual susceptibility to caries and inflammatory periodontal diseases. The aim: to study the role of colonization resistance of the oral mucosa in the implementation of the influence of individual-typological characteristics of the individual susceptibility to caries and inflammatory periodontal diseases. Materials and methods: The studies were conducted on 182 medical students 19-29 years old. All the examinees had a screening assessment of the oral mucosa colonization resistance by our own method, which received a patent UA 51373. Conclusion: It is shown that psychophysiological features of healthy individuals and patients with dental caries and gingivitis determine the level of resistance to caries and periodontal inflammatory diseases, deviation of personality profile towards high neuroticism is a risk factor for caries and gingivitis. It is reported that the highest resistance to caries and inflammatory periodontal disease had emotionally stable introverts, inflammatory periodontal disease are more common in emotionally unstable introverts. The authors found that oral colonization resistance is a predictor of the risk of caries and inflammatory periodontal diseases. Reducing of the oral cavity colonization resistance most commonly diagnosed in emotionally unstable introverts, that correlated with their low resistance to inflammatory periodontal diseases.en-UScolonization resistanceoral mucosaindividual-typological characteristicscariesperiodontal diseasesThe relationship between colonization resistance of the oral cavity and individual-typological characteristics of personality: dental aspectsArticle