Нефьодова, О. О.Азаров, О. І.Нефедова, Е. А.Азаров, А. И.Nefodova, O. O.Azarov, O. I.2019-09-042019-09-042018Нефьодова О. О. Морфогенез нирок під впливом важких металів (огляд даних літератури) / О. О. Нефьодова, О. І. Азаров // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2018. – Вип. 1, т. 2 (143). – С. 23–27.2523-41102077-4214УДК 616.61:591.3:546.48:612.6https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/10824В статті представлено огляд наукових публікацій за проблемою впливу сполук важких металів на морфофункціональний стан нирок та морфогенез змін гістологічної будови нирок. Проаналізовано отримані дані щодо впливу різних доз кадмію та свинцю на стан базових гістохімічних реакцій в організмі в цілому і нирках зокрема. Визначено, що наукових відомостей щодо впливу важких металів на загальний хід ембріогенезу та органогенезу нирок вкрай недостатньо, а висвітлені результати досліджень є суперечливими та не стосуються впливу кадмію на розвиток нирок в ембріональному періоді; В статье представлен обзор научных публикаций по проблеме влияния соединений тяжелых металлов на морфофункциональное состояние почек и морфогенез изменений гистологического строения почек. Проанализированы полученные данные о влиянии различных доз кадмия и свинца на состояние базовых гистохимических реакций в организме в целом и почках в частности. Определено, что научных сведений о влиянии тяжелых металлов на общий ход эмбриогенеза и органогенеза почек крайне недостаточно, а представленные результаты исследований противоречивы и не касаются влияния кадмия на развитие почек в эмбриональном периоде; The article reviews the publications on the effect of heavy metal compounds on the morphofunctional state of the kidneys and the morphogenesis of changes in the histological structure of the kidneys. Today, the compounds of cadmium and lead are the main part of heavy metals that form the ecological crisis of the planet. In biological systems, heavy metals, pesticides, nitrates and nitrites and other anthropogenic pollutants migrate. The need to develop a comprehensive including toxicological analysis of a particular substance or compound, given substance content in environmental objects and food products is relevant for both adults and the developing organism. Ukraine is a country with a high level of negative environmental consequences of production activities, and therefore the problem of protecting the environment and caring for the health of the population of industrial regions requires priority solutions. All of the above indicates the need to study the morphogenetic changes in the kidneys that occur in embryogenesis and in the early stages after birth when exposed to heavy metals. The target of the study is to reveal the literary scientific data concerning morphogenetic changes in renal and embryonic rats under the influence of cadmium compounds in the experiment. The common mechanism in the pathogenesis of kidney diseases under the influence of xenobiotics is traditionally considered damage to the glomeruli, followed by a decrease in the mass of the functioning renal parenchyma. At the same time, the compulsory and leading mechanism of nephrotoxic action of heavy metals, other nephrotropic compounds is the destruction of proximal tubules with inhibition of transport of inorganic and organic substances, water A number of experimental studies and clinical analyzes have shown that, together with a specific effect on the kidneys of each of the factors studied, their common pathogenetic mechanisms are present in their effects. Most likely, the same histogenetic changes will also occur in the embryo when the mother is primed with cadmium or other heavy metals. But we have not found any data on the effect of cadmium salts on the development of the kidney in embryogenesis in accessible scientific literature. The identification of the mechanism of the effect of cadmium compounds on the development of organs and tissues in the process of ontogeny and the spectrum of the formation of possible developmental defects is of a multistage nature and the development of experimental models of influence on embryogenesis is one of the central tasks of modern embryology and medicine. Thus, the analysis of data from literature sources and previous studies at the Department of Clinical Anatomy, Anatomy and Operative Surgery allows us to single out the following conclusions: According to the presented results of scientific experimental and clinical studies, the problem of the effect of heavy metals on the parenchymal organs is poorly researched and relevant. Scientific evidence on the effect of heavy metals on the general course of embryogenesis and organogenesis is extremely inadequate, and the results of research are illusory and contradictory and do not concern the influence of cadmium on the development of the kidneys. Investigation of the influence of cadmium and lead on embryogenesis should be carried out taking into account the dose-dependent effect, duration, mode of administration. The morphofunctional state of organs and systems of organs after the birth of embryos (the postnatal period) in the conditions of cessation of the influence of the negative factor remain untouched.ukкадмійсвинецьниркаембріонембріогенезкадмийсвинецпочкаэмбрионэмбриогенезcadmiumleadskidneyembryoembryogenesiМорфогенез нирок під впливом важких металів (огляд даних літератури)Морфогенез почек под влиянием тяжелых металлов (обзор данных литературы)Morphogenesis of the kidneys under the influence of heavy metals (review of the literature)Article10.29254/2077-4214-2018-1-2-143-23-27