Tkachenko, E. V.Ткаченко, Олена ВікторівнаBagherizadeh, Mohammad AmirTkachenko, E. V.Ткаченко, Олена Вікторівна2021-11-222021-11-222021Bagherizadeh M. A. Foreign and Ukrainian students education tendencies as well as psychological and physiological peculiarities by own research and observations results / M. A. Bagherizadeh ; scientific supervisor : E. V. Tkachenko // Цифровізація науки та сучасні тренди її розвитку : матеріали II Міжнар. студ. наук. конф., м. Миргород, 5 листопада, 2021 р. / ГО «Молодіжна наукова ліга». – Вінниця : ГО «Європейська наукова платформа», 2021. – Т. 2. –С. 29–31.978-617-7991-96-9978-617-7991-98-3 (ТОМ 2) article concerns to foreign and Ukrainian students tendencies in education as well as their psychological and physiological distinguishing features by own researches and observations results in part better motivation to study, performance and behavior, self-work during remote and non-remote learning in the foreign students. There is an approval of essentiality to use different educative pathways and means, to use individualized approach more while teaching the foreign applicants as well as necessity to be their Friends, Advisors, Helpers but not tutors that must be for Ukrainian students who don’t have language difficulties, natural and social adaptation tension comparatively to their foreign counterparts but don’t have desire to study, have no good upbringing.enforeign studentsadaptationpedagogyindividualized approachForeign and Ukrainian students education tendencies as well as psychological and physiological peculiarities by own research and observations resultsArticle10.36074/liga-inter-05.11.2021