Пісоцька, Олена ОлександрівнаПесоцкая, Елена АлександровнаPisotska, O. O.Лисанець, Юлія ВалеріївнаЛисанец, Юлия ВалериевнаLysanets, Yu. V.Бєляєва, Олена МиколаївнаБеляева, Елена НиколаевнаBieliaieva, O. M.2018-05-022018-05-022018Пісоцька О. О. Grammar Features of Academic Writing in Medical English: Tense Choice in Research Articles / О. О. Пісоцька, Ю. В. Лисанець, О. М. Бєляєва // Інноваційні технології у контексті іншомовної підготовки фахівця : матеріали IV Міжнародної наук.-практ. конф., Полтава, 24 квітня 2018 р. – Полтава : ПолтНТУ, 2018. – С. 93–97.УДК 378:37.032+316.46https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7796The present paper suggests a system of organizing the training material in order to facilitate memorizing of grammar structures and avoid errors in writing research articles. The results of the research have been integrated into the 1st edition of Medical English for Academic Purposes (2018). The study of potential difficulties, which Ukrainian medical professionals may face in the process of writing English research articles, is important for developing the guidelines to eliminate possible mistakes and avoid misunderstanding in medical communication. It is crucial for medical professionals to be aware of peculiarities of academic writing in English so that they are able to produce effective research articles which will be accepted by peer-reviewed journals.enresearch articleEnglish for Academic Purposesmedical discoursegrammar structuresGrammar Features of Academic Writing in Medical English: Tense Choice in Research ArticlesArticle