Mistchenko, Igor’ VitaliyevichTkachenko, Elena ViktorovnaZhukova, Marina YuriyevnaKokovskaya, Oksana ValeriyevnaJha, Sahil KumarМіщенко, Ігор ВіталійовичТкаченко, Олена ВікторівнаЖукова, Марина ЮріївнаКоковська, Оксана Валеріївна2023-05-242023-05-242023Peculiarities of the foreign dental students’ teaching the topic “Oral cavity physiology” / I. V. Mishchenko, O. V. Tkachenko, M. Yu. Zhukova, O. V. Kokovs’ksa, S. K. Jha // Specialusis Ugdymas /Special Education. – 2023. – Vol. 1, №. 44. – P. 700–709.https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/20975Assessing the typological belonging taking into consideration represents informative research area in the theoretical and applied branches of Science. Ethnic, gender, age and mixed typological aspects such as gender-age, ethno-gender-age, temperament, interhemispherical asymmetry individual profile, control locus, behavioral strategies, character accentuations and constitution types are the most known and used in research among them. Students represent separate age category, if the examined are foreigners – ethno-age typological aspect is taken into consideration, if male and female foreign students are in the research groups – they say and they write about ethno-gender-age typological aspect.enpedagogyInternational studentsInternational applicantsforeign studentshigher education foreign applicantsinter-disciplinary integrationintra- disciplinary integrationremote learningremote educationdistance learningdistance educationnon-remote learningnon-remote educationdental studentstypological aspectshuman typologiestypological belongingmaxillary-facial areamaxillary-facial area physiologyoral cavityoral cavity physiologyoral cavity biochemistrygender typological aspectage typological aspectmixed typological aspectsgender-age typological aspectethno-age typological aspectethno-gender-age typological aspectinterhemispherical asymmetry individual profiledexterssinistersright-handersPeculiarities of the foreign dental students’ teaching the topic “Oral cavity physiology”Article