Tkachenko, E. V.Sokolenko, V. N.Ткаченко, Олена ВікторівнаСоколенко, Валентина Миколаївна2021-04-192021-04-192020Tkachenko E. V. Typological aspects contribution into biorhythms study / E. V. Tkachenko, V. N. Sokolenko // Impatto dell’innovazione sulla scienza: aspetti fondamentalli e applicatti: Raccolta di articoli scientifici “ΛОГОΣ”con gli atti della Conferenza scientifica e pratica internazionale (T. 1), Verona, 26 giugno 2020. – Verona : Piattaforma scientifica europea, 2020. – P. 96–98.978-88-31277-17-4 as an independent Science has formed in the XXth century second half Circadian rhythms concept belongs to the most developed. It is considered that practical applications areas comprise particularly: labor physiology, ergonomics (labor and rest regimes optimal organization especially for the shiftwork and night work), medicine (especially therapy of dys-somnias, emotional disorders, chronopharmacology), agriculture (animals and plants productiveness increase). There is a whole circadian timing system representing maintaining and mutual conjugating the organism circadian rhythms. It includes oscillators, conductive systems and specific receptors. Oscillators are organized hierarchically: the higher floor pace-makers have generating autonomic oscillations with a period lasting near 24 hours and imposing or entrainment of the rhythms of oscillators located below. Conductive pathways determine entrainment, they can be nervous (for example, mono-synaptic retinal-hypothalamic pathway in mammals) and humoral (hormones, for instance, melatonin). Receptors belong to the photoreceptors mainly though lower Vertebrates have the extra-retinal ones. These receptors percept time pace-makers signals and serve for organism circadian rhythms coupling to environment 24-houred rhythms.enchronobiologycircadian rhythmsTypological aspects contribution into biorhythms studyArticle10.36074/26.06.2020.v1001(08)