Nevoit, G.Невойт, Ганна ВолодимирівнаНевойт, Анна Владимировна2021-03-242021-03-242020-11Nevoit G. Bioelectrical impedance determining body composition and hardware-software recording of heart rate variability during an objective structured clinical examination as a diagnostic tool / G. Nevoit / Actual environmental problems : proceedings of the X International Scientific Conference of young scientists, graduates, master and PhD students, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, November 19–20, 2020. – Minsk, 2020. – P. 61–63. purpose of the publication is to determine the clinical diagnostic potential and the appropriateness of applying the computerized methodology for a short record of heart rate variability and the body impedance measurement technique as an instrumental Objective Structured Clinical Examination.enBioelectrical impedance determining body compositionHardware-software recording of heart rate variabilityNon-communicable diseasesObjective Structured Clinical ExaminationBioelectrical impedance determining body composition and hardware-software recording of heart rate variability during an objective structured clinical examination as a diagnostic toolБиоэлектрический импеданс, определяющий состав тела, аппаратно-программная запись вариабельности ЧСС во время объективного структурированного клинического обследования как диагностический инструментArticle504.75 А19