Vodoriz, Y. Y.Marchenko, I. Y.Shundryk, M. A.Tkachenko, I. M.Водоріз, Ярослав ЮрійовичМарченко, Ірина ЯрославівнаШундрик, Марина АркадіївнаТкаченко, Ірина Михайлівна2018-11-162018-11-162018Review of treatment methods of patients with uncomplicated teeth fractures / Y. Y. Vodoriz, I. Y. Marchenko, M. A. Shundryk, I. M. Tkachenko // Wiadomosci Lekarskie. Czasopismo Polskiego Towarzyctwa Lekarskiego. – 2018. – T. 71, Nr. 7. – P. 1360–1364.0043-5147https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8947Introduction: Taking into consideration the high prevalence of dental trauma, the issue dental trauma management in the frontal dentition is relevant, considering the principles of biological, economical feasibility and clinical features of each case. The aim: The purpose of this review article is to draw dentists’ attention to the high prevalence of uncomplicated fractures of teeth (without pulp chamber exposure) and to highlight the most effective methods for their managment. Materials and methods:We have processed about 50 scientific sources devoted to the treatment of traumatic lesions of teeth. Among them are articles, scientific researches, clinical cases, laboratory researches. Conclusions: The most appropriate method for teeth restoration in a case of uncomplicated fracture is to preserve the fragment of the tooth with its further reattachment applying an adhesion protocol with the preliminary preparation of hard tissues of teeth. To achieve the best aesthetic results and increase the endurance of restoration it is expedient to cover the repartitioned fragment of a tooth with ceramic veneers.endental traumareattachment of teeth fragmentsceramic veneerReview of treatment methods of patients with uncomplicated teeth fracturesAnaliza opcji terapeutycznych u chorych z niepowikłanym złamaniem zębaArticle