Maksymenko, A. I.Sheshukova, O. V.Kuz, I. O.Kazakova, K. S.Pysarenko, O. A.Максименко, Аліна ІванівнаШешукова, Ольга ВікторівнаКузь, Ірина ОлексіївнаКазакова, Катерина СтаніславівнаПисаренко, Олена Анатоліївна2023-07-242023-07-242023Trends in prevention of emergency conditions in paediatric dentistry / A. I. Maksymenko, O. V. Sheshukova, I. O. Kuz, K. S. Kazakova, O. A. Pysarenko // Матеріали III Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції з міжнародною участю «Екстрена та невідкладна допомога в Україні: організаційні, правові, клінічні аспекти», м. Полтава, 24 лютого 2023 р. – Полтава, 2023. – С. 163–165. conditions are pathophysiological changes in the human body, leading to an acute deterioration in health. In modern paediatric dental practice, the problem of prevention of emergency conditions remains relevant. The main reasons for the development of emergency conditions in paediatric dentistry include: • child's fear of dental procedures; • physical and emotional discomfort of small patients during treatment; • chronic concomitant diseases; • insufficient sleep; • chronic stress; • work of the dentist in the reflexogenic zones in the oral cavity; • reaction to pain; • reaction to local anaesthetic components; • reaction to contact of the oral mucosa with medical materials; • taking medications. The following emergency conditions may develop with outpatient dental intervention, for example: • respiratory disorders due to impaired external respiration and asphyxia; • cardiovascular disorders (fainting, collapse, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, hypertensive crisis, myocardial infarction, hypotension, vascular dystonia); • diabetic coma, increased intracranial pressure (epilepsy), kidney damage; • shock manifestations because of an acute pain reaction, trauma, allergic reaction to medications (anaphylactic shock).enpaediatric dentistryemergency conditionsTrends in prevention of emergency conditions in paediatric dentistryArticle