Перегляд за Автор "Polyvyana, O. A."
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Документ Comparative characteristics of the hemomicrocirculatory bed of the sciatic nerve trunk in rats with single administration of cryopreserved placenta and in acute aseptic inflammation(Буковинський державний медичний університет, 2020) Svyridyuk, R. V.; Shepitko, K. V.; Polyvyana, O. A.; Klypachenko, I. V.; Свиридюк, Роман Володимирович; Шепітько, Костянтин Володимирович; Полив'яна, Олександра Анатоліївна; Клипаченко, Інна Валеріївна; Свиридюк, Роман Владимирович; Шепитько, Константин Владимирович; Полывяная, Александра Анатолиевна; Клипаченко, Инна ВалерьевнаObjective. To study the response of the sciatic nerve trunk’s hemomicrocirculatory bed to a single administration of cryopreserved placenta and intraperitoneal administration of λ -carrageenan. Material and methods. An experimental study was performed on the sciatic nerve trunk of 100 sexually-mature rats. Histological research methods were used. It was established that when transplanting a cryopreserved placenta, all parts of the hemomicrocirculatory bed (HMCB) respond. Thus, the resistive part of the sciatic nerve trunk HMCB during cryopreserved placenta transplantation was characterized by a gradual increase in the mean diameters with the maximum value on the 5th-7th days and their complete recovery on the 10th day of the study. In the simulation of acute aseptic peritonitis there is a sharp decrease in diameters on the 2nd-3rd days, followed by their increase on the 5th-14th days and recovery on the 30th day. Results. In transplantation of cryopreserved placenta, the exchange link of the HMCB reacted significantly by increasing the mean diameter of the capillaries on the 5th day. In the simulation of acute aseptic peritonitis, the mean diameter of the capillaries increased on the 1st day and did not return to the control group limits on the 30th day of the study. Capacitive link responded to transplantation of cryopreserved placenta by an increase in diameter with the maximum value on the 5th day and recovery on the 10th day of the study (p <0.05). When simulating acute aseptic peritonitis, there is also an increase in diameters with the maximum value on the 7th day. On the 30th day of the study, the index value did not reach the limits of the control group. Conclusions. A single administration of cryopreserved placenta fragment causes shortterm changes in the hemomicrocirculatory bed with the maximum values on the 5th-7th days of the study, in contrast to a single injection of 5 mg of λ-carrageenan (Sigma - USA), which leads to reactive inflammation and lasts for over 30 days.Документ Influence of prolonged tripterelin-induced central deprivation of testosterone synthesis on morphological structure of rat’s liver(Українська медична стоматологічна академія, 2021) Polyvyana, O. A.; Shepitko, K. V.; Stetsuk, Ye. V.; Akimov, O. Ye.; Dubinin, D. S.; Полив'яна, Олександра Анатоліївна; Шепітько, Костянтин Володимирович; Стецук, Євген Валерійович; Акімов, Олег Євгенович; Дубінін, Дмитро СергійовичIn recent years, the incidence of prostate cancer has increased worldwide. For example, in 2012, the GLOBOCAN project found that prostate cancer was the second most commonly diagnosed cancer and the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths among men worldwide. Insufficient testosterone can exacerbate liver damage caused by obesity. The aim of our study was to identify morphological changes in the liver of rats at the tissue and cellular levels, to study the processes of formation of reactive oxygen species and the intensity of lipid peroxidation during prolonged central deprivation of testosterone synthesis caused by triptereline. Triptorelin-induced central deprivation of testosterone synthesis leads to oxidative damage to hepatocytes due to increased production of reactive oxygen species and decreased activity of antioxidant enzymes. Oxidative damage to liver cells begins at the molecular and cellular levels and becomes apparent at the tissue level on day 180 of the central deprivation of testosterone synthesis.Документ Morphological changes and oxidative homeostasis in the liver tissues during long central deprivation of luteinizing hormone synthesis by triptorelin(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2021) Polyvyana, O. A.; Shepitko, V. I.; Stetsuk, Ye. V.; Akimov, O. Ye.; Yakushko, O. S.; Voloshyna, O. V.; Полив'яна, Олександра Анатоліївна; Шепітько, Володимир Іванович; Стецук, Євген Валерійович; Акімов, Олег Євгенович; Якушко, Олена Святославівна; Волошина, Олена ВалеріївнаIn recent years, researchers have focused on the problem of the dependence of the functioning of various organs and systems on the level of androgens. The effect of long inhibition of testosterone synthesis by triptorelin on liver tissue is poorly understood. The aim of this research was to establish the microscopic organization of rat livers, production of nitric oxide and the intensity of oxidative stress in the rat livers during experimental central deprivation of luteinizing hormone synthesis by diphereline injection on the 270-360th day of the experiment. The experiments were carried out on 30 sexually mature male white rats of the Wistar line. Rats were divided into 2 groups: the control group (10) and the experimental group (20). Animals from the experimental group were subcutaneously injected triptorelin at a dose of 0.3 mg of the active substance/ per kg of body weight for 360 days, while the control group received an injection of saline. It was found that oxidative stress develops in hepatocytes, which is morphologically confirmed by karyopyknosis of the nuclei, oxyphilia of the cytoplasm with the appearance of a significant number of vacuoles in it. The vessels of the microcirculatory bed react with stasis. An increase in the production of superoxide radical anion in rat liver may be due to the absence of an inhibitory effect of testosterone on macrophages and liver mitochondria, which is accompanied by depletion of antioxidant enzymes and the development of oxidative stress. The intensity of biochemical markers of oxidative stress on the 360th day is lower than on the 270th day, which is due to an increase in the activity of antioxidant enzymes and a decrease in the production of reactive oxygen species.Документ Вплив центральній депривації синтезу лютеінізуючого гормону на біохімічні показники гепатоцитів щурів з 30-ї на 180-у добу спостереження(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2021) Полив'яна, Олександра Анатоліївна; Полывяная, Александра Анатольевна; Polyvyana, O. A.Таким чином, спричинена трипторелином центральна депривація синтезу тестостерону через систему гіпоталамус-ппофіз-яєчко-печінка призводить до збільшення виробництва активних форм кисню та зниження активності антиоксидантних ферментів в тканинах печінки, що викликає наростаюче окисне пошкодження гепатоцитів в залежності від строків експерименту.Документ Реакція тканин печінки на депривацію тестостерону у віддалені терміни спостереження(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2021) Полив'яна, Олександра Анатоліївна; Полывяная, Александра Анатольевна; Polyvyana, O. A.; Шепітько, Володимир Іванович; Шепитько, Владимир Иванович; Shepitko, V. I.