Перегляд за Автор "Shlykova, Oksana Anatoliyivna"
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Документ Some pedagogical approaches to teaching the topics on hemostasis system for International faculty applicants in Physiology and Laboratory Diagnostics(Полтавський університет економіки і торгівлі, 2024) Vesnina, Lyudmyla Eduardivna; Tkachenko, Olena Viktorivna; Sokolenko, Valentyna Mykolayivna; Shlykova, Oksana Anatoliyivna; Весніна, Людмила Едуардівна; Ткаченко, Олена Вікторівна; Соколенко, Валентина Миколаївна; Шликова, Оксана АнатоліївнаInterdisciplinary integration represents pedagogical approach in priority. In part it must be followed at Physiology and Laboratory Diagnostics lessons to International faculty applicants that became present abstracts subject. The authors differentiate questions area and pedagogical means used by them at Physiology lessons which were and are held at the 2 nd course and Laboratory Diagnostics – at the 4 th course with bigger involvement of clinical data, differential diagnostics, deepening the data about investigative methods while emphasizing to hemostasiopathies dominant position in morbidity structure, paying significant attention to hemostasis in a wide aspect realizing in maxillary-facial area. The authors also pay attention to only one protective and defensive system and some subsystems in organism while discussing their interconnections, down-regulation defining pathology occurrence. Also the students of the 2 nd course receive backgrounded information about careful dental manipulations essentiality at hemostasiopathies having big applied significance. All of this, plus uniting the applicants’ educative and scientific activity, increase the applicants’ motivation to gain knowledge and practical skills, particularly, PSMU students of the International faculty.