Кафедра післядипломної освіти лікарів-стоматологів
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Перегляд Кафедра післядипломної освіти лікарів-стоматологів за Ключові слова "1 % ефир метакриловой кислоты"
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Документ Морфофункціональні особливості слизової оболонки твердого піднебіння за умов експериментальної ксеростомії(2018) Тимошенко, Юлія Володимирівна; Тимошенко, Юлия Владимировна; Tymoshenko, Yu. V.Дисертація присвячена визначенню особливостей структурної організації залозистої зони слизової оболонки твердого піднебіння щурів після введення адреналіну та 1 % ефіру метакрилової кислоти. На основі комплексного гістологічного, морфометричного та лектинохімічного дослідження одержана характеристика структурних особливостей перебудови епітеліальної та власної пластинок, а також піднебінних залоз та ланок гемомікроциркуляторного русла залозистої зони слизової оболонки твердого піднебіння після впливу адреналіну та 1 % ефіру метакрилової кислоти, що проявляється порушенням процесів диференціації епітелію та гіпергідратації аморфної речовини сполучної тканини. В кінцевих відділах залоз визначаються морфологічні ознаки порушення секретоутворення та секретовиведення; Диссертация посвящена определению особенностей структурной организации железистой зоны слизистой оболочки твердого неба крыс после введения адреналина и 1 % эфира метакриловой кислоты. На основании комплексного гистологического, морфометрического и лектинохимического исследования получена характеристика структурной перестройки эпителиальной и собственной пластинок, а также небных желез и звеньев гемомикроциркуляторного русла железистой зоны слизистой оболочки твердого неба после воздействия адреналина и 1% эфира метакриловой кислоты, что проявляется нарушением процессов дифференциации эпителия и гипергидратации аморфного вещества соединительной ткани. В концевых отделах желез выявляются морфологические признаки нарушения секретообразования и секретовыведения; The dissertation concerns the identification of the features of restructuring of the glandular zone of the hard palate mucosa after administration of adrenaline and 1 % ether methacrylic acid. The description of the restructuring of the epithelial and proper plates, as well as palatine glands and sections of the hemomicrocirculatory flow of the glandular zone of the hard palate mucosa, induced by adrenaline and 1 % ether methacrylic acid, manifested by the impaired differentiation of the epithelium and hyperhydration of the amorphous substance of connective tissue, has been made on the basis of the comprehensive histological, morphometric and lectinochemical studies. It has been shown that administration of adrenaline in rats leads to thinning of the epithelial mucous plate of the glandular zone of the hard palate and hyperhydration of the lamina propria, causes intensification of secretion and excretion in the palatine glands’ acini already on the 14th day. No recovery of the morphofunctional state of the epithelial and proper plates, as well as epithelial secretory complexes of the glandular zone of the hard palate mucosa has been noted prior the 30th day of the experiment. Administration of 1 % ether methacrylic acid leads to the impaired differentiation of the epithelium and is manifested by the intensified keratinization, caused by its direct irritating effect on the surface of the rat mucosa. Changes in the lamina propria are manifested by the hyperhydration of the amorphous substance. Inhibited secretion, when the cytoplasm of glandular cells is densely filled with the secretory granules, is detected in the acini. Products of secretion in the lumens of excretory ducts have heterogeneous optical density. New data on the reactive changes in the hemomicrocirculatory flow of the glandular zone of the rat’s hard palate mucosa, manifested by the narrowing of arterioles’ lumen on the 14th day under the effect of both adrenaline and 1 % ether methacrylic acid. On the 30th day of the observation narrowing of arterioles’ lumen was preserved in the group of animals, subjected to the influence of adrenaline with the development of dilatation after the effect of 1 % ether methacrylic acid. Throughout the period of observation changes in the metabolic section of the hemomicrocirculatory flow were multidirectional: a steady reduction in the diameter of the lumen was observed in the experimental group of the animals after the exposure to adrenaline, whereas enlargement of the lumen of the capillaries was noted in the group, subjected to the effect of 1 % ether methacrylic acid. A significant enlargement of the mean diameter of the venules was detected in all experimental groups of rats throughout the observation. It has been proved by evidence that the structured provision of the protective functions of the glandular zone of the hard palate mucosa in the epithelial plate, as well as antigen, is ensured by the intraepithelial lymphocytes and the presenting Langerhans cells, respectively. In the lamina propria and submucous layer it is ensured by the lymphocytes, macrophages, plasma cells and mast cells, which are placed both diffusely (in the lamina propria), and form a cluster in the submucous layer, cellular composition of which is different periductal and periacinar. The effect of adrenaline and 1 % ether methacrylic acid causes changes in number and ratio of the immunocompetent cells, indicating about the intensity of the local immunity under the influence of both endogenous and exogenous factors. It has been determined that in the epithelial plate of the hard palate mucosa a strong degree of carbohydrate determinants, especially for mannose- and sialo-specific lectins. In the experimental hyposalivation the sounding of the hard palate mucosa by β-Gal specific peanut lectin demonstrated a strong degree of the conjugation with receptors of horny scales, as compared with the intact animals, throughout the observation. In hyposalivation the reaction of the cells of stratum granulosum and stratum spinosum, as well as basal membrane shows the decrease in the expression of carbohydrate determinants to the mild degree on day 30 of the experiment. Fibroblasts of the lamina propria respond by the increasing reactions from the mild to moderate one. Collagen fibers and endothelial cells increase the degree of receptors’ expression only on the 30th day of the observation. A consistently strong degree of conjugation with the mast cells’ receptors is noteworthy throughout the period of observation. The acini showed the reduced specificity of the binding to the low intensity of the carbohydrate determinants exhibiting to the peanut lectin on the basal membrane and plasmolemma. The expression of receptors in the myoepithelial cells decreased from the very strong to weak one in the intact group. The study of the specificity with the receptors of the structural components of the basal membrane and basal plasmolemma of the excretory ducts of the palatine glands has shown weak reaction in the intact rats, which was increasing to a strong one on the 14th day of the experiment, but on 30th day of the observation a weak reaction was noted.