Лабораторний міні-термостат-стерилізатор
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Полтавський державний медичний університет
В статті описується принцип роботи лабораторного міні-термостат-стерилізатора з цифровою
індикацією для стабілізації температури в широкому діапазоні. Пристрій складається з датчика температури
сигнал, якого подається на вхід мікроконтролера і при досягненні заданої температури з мікроконтролера
управлючий сигнал поступає на резистори і базу транзистора, з якого напруга подається на реле, що включає
і виключає нагріваючий елемент термостата, підтримуючи в робочій камері температуру від кімнатної до
В статье описывается принцип работы лабораторного мини-термостат-стерилизатора с цифро- вой индикацией для стабилизации температуры в широком диапазоне. Устройство состоит из датчика температуры, сигнал которого подается на вход микроконтроллера и при достижении заданной температуры с микроконтроллера управляющий сигнал поступает на резисторы и базу транзистора, с которого напряжение подается на реле, что включает и выключает нагревательный элемент термостата, поддерживая в рабочей камере температуру от комнатной до + 1250С.
Diagnosis of a number of diseases of the viral, bacterial and fungal etiology using complement fixation reactions is not possible without preliminary temperature inactivation of the own complement in the blood to be studied. The inactivation of the complement of the serum while maintaining the maximum number of specific immune gamma globulins (antibodies) is closely related to a stable temperature (56,00C) for 45 minutes. Existing designs of devices and devices capable of maintaining a given time for a given temperature often do not satisfy the task. Modern thermostats of laboratories of biochemical, immunological and bacteriological profiles are quite massive, energy intensive, inertial, give a large deviation from the nominal values of the given temperatures, and most important, they operate in a rather narrow range of temperatures. The following results are obtained during the operation of the mini-thermostat-sterilizer: simplified construction of the device (the camera with internal dimensions – diameter 60 mm, height 95 mm); the supply voltage 20 V corresponds to the safety parameters when it is in service; energy saving of the device – consumption of a thermostat of 50 W/h; wide temperature range – from room temperature to +1250C; stability in maintaining a given temperature with a minimum difference between the thresholds of the temperature regulation – ± 0,10С; output to the set operating mode of thermostat up to 800C for 60 s; Mobility of the thermostat – possible to quickly change the location of the thermostat in the laboratory (the weight of the thermostat is 1.5 kg). A mini-thermostat-laboratory sterilizer with digital indication is intended for temperature stabilization in a wide range consists of a temperature sensor, the signal is fed to the input of the microcontroller and when the set temperature is reached from the microcontroller, the control signal goes to the resistors and the base of the transistor from which the voltage is applied to a relay including and turns off the heating element of the thermostat, maintaining the temperature in the working chamber from room temperature to +1250C. Micro-thermostat-sterilizer with digital indication. Can be used to stabilize the temperature during biochemical and serological reactions of a number of infectious diseases of the viral, bacterial and fungal etiology.
В статье описывается принцип работы лабораторного мини-термостат-стерилизатора с цифро- вой индикацией для стабилизации температуры в широком диапазоне. Устройство состоит из датчика температуры, сигнал которого подается на вход микроконтроллера и при достижении заданной температуры с микроконтроллера управляющий сигнал поступает на резисторы и базу транзистора, с которого напряжение подается на реле, что включает и выключает нагревательный элемент термостата, поддерживая в рабочей камере температуру от комнатной до + 1250С.
Diagnosis of a number of diseases of the viral, bacterial and fungal etiology using complement fixation reactions is not possible without preliminary temperature inactivation of the own complement in the blood to be studied. The inactivation of the complement of the serum while maintaining the maximum number of specific immune gamma globulins (antibodies) is closely related to a stable temperature (56,00C) for 45 minutes. Existing designs of devices and devices capable of maintaining a given time for a given temperature often do not satisfy the task. Modern thermostats of laboratories of biochemical, immunological and bacteriological profiles are quite massive, energy intensive, inertial, give a large deviation from the nominal values of the given temperatures, and most important, they operate in a rather narrow range of temperatures. The following results are obtained during the operation of the mini-thermostat-sterilizer: simplified construction of the device (the camera with internal dimensions – diameter 60 mm, height 95 mm); the supply voltage 20 V corresponds to the safety parameters when it is in service; energy saving of the device – consumption of a thermostat of 50 W/h; wide temperature range – from room temperature to +1250C; stability in maintaining a given temperature with a minimum difference between the thresholds of the temperature regulation – ± 0,10С; output to the set operating mode of thermostat up to 800C for 60 s; Mobility of the thermostat – possible to quickly change the location of the thermostat in the laboratory (the weight of the thermostat is 1.5 kg). A mini-thermostat-laboratory sterilizer with digital indication is intended for temperature stabilization in a wide range consists of a temperature sensor, the signal is fed to the input of the microcontroller and when the set temperature is reached from the microcontroller, the control signal goes to the resistors and the base of the transistor from which the voltage is applied to a relay including and turns off the heating element of the thermostat, maintaining the temperature in the working chamber from room temperature to +1250C. Micro-thermostat-sterilizer with digital indication. Can be used to stabilize the temperature during biochemical and serological reactions of a number of infectious diseases of the viral, bacterial and fungal etiology.
Ключові слова
термостат, стерилізатор, стабилизатор, thermostat, stabilizer
Бібліографічний опис
Бурденюк І. П. Лабораторний міні-термостат-стерилізатор / І. П. Бурденюк, П. М. Григоришин // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2018. – Вип. 2 (144). – С. 271–273.