Особливості стоматологічної захворюваності у дітей зі сколіозом
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Вищий державний навчальний заклад України «Українська медична стоматологічна академія»
У дітей з патологією опорно–рухового апарату відмічається середній рівень поширеності карієсу постійних зубів із низькою інтенсивністю процесу, незадовільний стан гігієни порожнини роту та низький рівень мінералізуючих властивостей ротової рідини, значна поширеність захворювань пародонту, що зростає із віком дітей.
Такий стан стоматологічної захворюваності дітей із сколіозом вимагає від лікаря-стоматолога своєчасної діагностики, проведення комплексу профілактичних та лікувальних заходів, важливим є регулярний контроль стоматолога в диспансерній групі дітей із захворюванням на сколіоз.
У детей с патологией опорно–двигательного аппарата отмечается средняя распространенность кариеса с низкой интенсивностью процесса, неудовлетворительное состояние гигиены полости рта, низкий уровень минерализирующих свойств ротовой жидкости, значительная распространенность заболеваний парадонта, которая увеличивается с возрастом детей. Такое состояние стоматологической заболеваемости детей со сколиозом требует от врача-стоматолога проведения комплекса профилактических мероприятий и лечения, является важным регулярный контроль стоматолога в диспансерной группе детей с заболеванием сколиоз.Processes of developmental acceleration affect the rate of development of skeletal system in children, growth disproportion often leads to pathology formation. Recently, there is a problem which is connected with pathology of locomotor apparatus in children and teenagers and scoliosis takes the first place among these disorders. Dentists worry about the fact that dysplasia of connective tissue that determines morphological and functional integrity of an organism is often characterized by the damage not only backbone injury but also is connected with dental diseases in children. To determine the main ways of prophylactic work a dentist needs monitoring of dental morbidity of children who have general somatic pathology.
The aim of the investigation is to define the structure of dental morbidity in children with scoliosis.
The object and methods of the investigation. The investigation was done in Poltava regional rest house for children with disorders of locomotor apparatus pathology. 43 children were involved in the research (from 9 to 15 years old): 17 boys (39,54%) and 26 girls (60,46%). Depending on age children were divided into groups, in particular 16 children aged from 9 to 13 years old who presented the first group and 27 children aged from 12 to 15 years old, who contained the second one (secondary school). Examined patients took long-lasting treatment (to 6-12 months) in the rest home for children with disorders of locomotor apparatus.
Red lip’s edge, lining of the oral cavity and tongue were evaluated during clinical dental examination. The presence of noncarious damages, prevalence and intensity of caries of permanent teeth was established. Tissues of paradontium and tongue (according to PMA index (papillary marginal alveolar index) were evaluated, hygienic condition of the oral cavity was also estimated according to Green-Wermillion (1964), mineralized potential of oral liquid by Saifulinova-Pozdieieva was evaluated (1991) in medial grades according to the type of crystal formation. Data of clinical dental examination was registered in modified record of WHO (World Health Organization). Statistical analysis of results which was received during the experiment was done by using such programs as «Statistica for Windows 6.0», StatSoft Inc. (USA).
Analysis determined the high level of lip’s morbidity that increases in children. During examination of the tongue swelling, teeth indentation, tongue debris in patients with scoliosis was identified.
The first group of children (9-11 years old) contained 50%, it was higher from the index of caries prevalence, and caries prevalence was 63% in the second group of patients. Received data defined the intensity of caries of both groups of patients is equal to the level of damage based on WHO scale. Analysis of hygienic condition of the oral cavity allowed defying not key differences according to the level of oral hygiene between the first and the second group of examined children. It was identified by us that children with scoliosis have the prevalence of inflammatory disorders of periodontal tissues based on chronic catarrhal gingivitis of mild degree.
Based on our investigation, in children of the first group mineralized potential of oral liquid was defined as low one. Such condition of mineralized potential of oral liquid identifies carious situation in the oral cavity of examined children. Such decrease of mineralized peculiarities of oral liquid can be connected with hormonal peculiarities of teenagers because in this age there is change of calcium and phosphorus exchange affected by disorders of locomotor apparatus. Based on received results, it was determined by us children with pathology of locomotor apparatus it was determined the medial level of caries prevalence of permanent teeth with low intensity, poor oral hygiene, and low level of mineralized peculiarities of oral liquid, prevalence of periodontal diseases that increases with child’s age.
Such condition of dental morbidity of children with scoliosis demands definite complex of prophylactic and therapeutic measures, regular check-up and control of dentist is regular for children with scoliosis.
Ключові слова
діти, сколіоз, порожнина рота, стоматологічна захворюваність, дети, сколиоз, полость рта, стоматологическая заболеваемость, children, scoliosis, oral cavity, dental disease
Бібліографічний опис
Особливості стоматологічної захворюваності у дітей зі сколіозом / О. В. Шешукова, С. С. Бауман, А. І. Падалка [та ін.] // Актуальні проблеми сучасної медицини. – 2016. – Т. 16, вип. 4 (56), ч. 3. ̶ С. 258–261.