Особенности воздействия пептидного комплекса почек на экспрессию антигенных детерминант лимфоцитов, обработанных интерлейкином-2 и гидрокортизоном


We studied the influence of the peptide complex obtained from the kidney cortex substance on the expression of antigenic determinants CD3, CD4, CD8, CD72 and H LA-DR of peripheral blood lymphocytes during the action of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and hydrocortisone. The indirect immunofluorescence reaction has shown that IL-2 increased CD4, CD8, CD72 and CD3, HLA-DR expression. The treatment with the kidney peptide complex (KPC) enhanced CD3 expression and reduced CD4, CD8 and CD72 expression precultured with IL-2. Hydrocortisone decreased CD3, CD4, CD8 expression and increased HLA-DR expression. KPC increased CD3 and CD8 expression and decreased that of CD4 and HLA-DR. It is suggested that KPC has an immunomodulative effect at the memebrane level. It changes early activation of immunocompetent cells modulating enzymes activity in the signal transduction. A direct influence on cell membrane is not excluded. Thus, regulative peptides take part in regulation of the lymphocyte function.


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Бібліографічний опис

Веснина Л. Э. Особенности воздействия пептидного комплекса почек на экспрессию антигенных детерминант лимфоцитов, обработанных интерлейкином-2 и гідрокортизоном / Л. Э. Веснина, И. П. Кайдашев // Иммунология. – 2000. – № 2. – С. 17–21.