Асоційовані мікози птиці (Aspergillus, Mucoraceae) та розробка засобів боротьби з ними
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Встановлено рівень поширення вісцеральних мікозів серед птиці. Наведено результати мікологічних досліджень кормів і повітря у птахогосподарствах Полтавської області.
Визначено культурально-морфологічні властивості польових ізолятів грибів роду Aspergillus, Mucor, Rhizopus за культивування на різних поживних середовищах. Вивчено особливості патогенезу мукормікозу за експериментального відтворення на білих мишах. З’ясовано особливості клінічного перебігу, патологоанатомічних та патогістологічних змін у курей за експериментального мукормікозу й асоційованого його перебігу з аспергільозом у польових умовах.
Визначено чутливість польових ізолятів грибів родів Mucor та Aspergillus до синтетичних протигрибкових препаратів. Вивчено фунгіцидні властивості ефірної олії монарди трубчастої та евгенолу відносно грибів родів Mucor та Aspergillus. На основі проведених досліджень розроблено нові екологічно безпечні способи зниження забрудненості повітря закритих приміщень грибами роду Mucor та Aspergillus і доведено їхню ефективність. Виявлено антагоністичну активність пробіотичних бактерій групи Bacillus subtillis щодо грибів родів Mucor та Aspergillus.
З’ясовано фунгіцидну ефективність ультрафіолетового опромінення щодо грибів родів Mucor та Aspergillus.
Установлен уровень распространения висцеральных микозов среди птицы. Приведены результаты микологических исследований кормов и воздуха в птицехозяйствах Полтавской области. Определены культурально-морфологические свойства полевых изолятов грибов родов Aspergillus, Mucor, Rhizopus при культивировании на различных питательных средах. Изучены особенности патогенеза мукормикоза при экспериментальном воспроизведении на белых мышах. Выяснены особенности клинического течения, патологоанатомических и патогистологических изменений у кур при экспериментальном мукормикозе и ассоциативном его течении с аспергиллёзом в полевых условиях. Определена чувствительность грибов родов Mucor и Aspergillus к синтетическим противогрибковым препаратам. Изучены фунгицидные свойства эфирного масла монарды дудчатой и эвгенола в отношении грибов родов Mucor и Aspergillus. На основе проведённых исследований разработаны новые экологически безопасные способы снижения загрязнения воздуха закрытых помещений грибами родов Mucor и Aspergillus и доказана их эффективность. Выявлено антагонистическую активность пробиотических бактерий группы Bacillus subtillis по отношению к грибам родов Mucor и Aspergillus. Выяснена фунгицидная эффективность ультрафиолетового облучения относительно грибов родов Mucor и Aspergillus.
The thesis presents data on mucormycosis, aspergillosis and other visceral avian mycoses incidence, defines the level of mycogenic contamination of feed and air in poultry breeding premises at poultry farms of Poltava region. New promising fields of mucormycosis and aspergillosis preventing and treatment have been determined environmentally safe compared to the traditional methods. First in Ukraine, measures are developed to reduce air pollution with fungi spores, agents of avian mucormycosis and aspergillosis, depending on their species by means of the suggested methods. According to the results of the in-house studies on pathologic material taken from the dead birds, positive samples as to the presence of mycoses agents were 62.3%. Avian mono-infections were isolated more frequently (81.4%), than associated forms (18.6%). Out of 293 samples in the sanitary-mycological studies of feeds, 139 samples (47.4%) were positive being contaminated with epigenous micromycetes. The most wide-spread feed contaminants were fungi belonging to the Mucoraceae family (68.6% of the total isolated fungi). Mycological studies of air in the poultry farms premises have determined that the minimum fungi spores concentration made 30 ± 17.3 CFU/м3, whereas the maximum was 2,406.7 ± 100.7 CFU/м3. Features of the Aspergillus fumigatus, A. flavus, A. niger, Mucor spp., Rhizopus spp. isolates growth were studied by means of their cultivation in various nutrient media. Expediency has been proved of using the Sabouraud agar for isolation and identification of fungi belonging to the Mucoraceae family, whereas the Sabouraud and Czapek agar should be used for isolation and identification of fungi belonging to the Aspergillus genus. Features of the mucormycosis pathogenesis have been clarified at its experimental reproduction in white mice. Peculiarities of the clinical progression, pathological and pathohistological changes in hens at experimentally induced mucormycosis and its aspergillosis-associative clinical progression were studied in the field conditions. Susceptibility of fungi belonging to Mucor and Aspergillus genera to synthetic antifungal agents, wild bergamot (Monarda fistulosa L.) essential oil and eugenol has been determined. Assessment of the isolated fungi cultures susceptibility to wild bergamot essential oil and eugenol compared to that to synthetic antifungal agents demonstrates higher susceptibility of fungi cultures to essential oils. Based on the results of studying the minimal inhibiting wild bergamot essential oil and eugenol concentration, methods to reduce the closed premises air pollution with Mucor and Aspergillus genera fungi have been developed. It was determined that under the experimental conditions, the suggested combinations of eugenol and wild bergamot essential oil reduced the air pollution with Mucor ramosissimus fungi by 82%, Aspergillus flavus — by 64%, A. niger — by 43% and A. fumigatus — by 75 %. Antagonistic activity of probiotic bacteria of the Bacillus subtillis group, isolated from PIP AHS, was proved as to Mucor and Aspergillus genera fungi. It was clarified that fungicidal efficiency of ultraviolet emission (at the wave length of 253.7 nm and at the 60 min exposition) as to Mucor ramosissimus made 85%, that of Aspergillus flavus — 75% and that of A. fumigatus — 59%. The pronounced fungistatic effect of ultraviolet emission on A. flavus and A. fumigatus was observed. As to A. niger culture, the fungicide efficiency was zero, because under the ultraviolet emission, growth of the survived spores’ amount up to 5% was observed. Simultaneously, the delayed ultraviolet emission’s fungistatic effect on the fungi culture was registered.
Установлен уровень распространения висцеральных микозов среди птицы. Приведены результаты микологических исследований кормов и воздуха в птицехозяйствах Полтавской области. Определены культурально-морфологические свойства полевых изолятов грибов родов Aspergillus, Mucor, Rhizopus при культивировании на различных питательных средах. Изучены особенности патогенеза мукормикоза при экспериментальном воспроизведении на белых мышах. Выяснены особенности клинического течения, патологоанатомических и патогистологических изменений у кур при экспериментальном мукормикозе и ассоциативном его течении с аспергиллёзом в полевых условиях. Определена чувствительность грибов родов Mucor и Aspergillus к синтетическим противогрибковым препаратам. Изучены фунгицидные свойства эфирного масла монарды дудчатой и эвгенола в отношении грибов родов Mucor и Aspergillus. На основе проведённых исследований разработаны новые экологически безопасные способы снижения загрязнения воздуха закрытых помещений грибами родов Mucor и Aspergillus и доказана их эффективность. Выявлено антагонистическую активность пробиотических бактерий группы Bacillus subtillis по отношению к грибам родов Mucor и Aspergillus. Выяснена фунгицидная эффективность ультрафиолетового облучения относительно грибов родов Mucor и Aspergillus.
The thesis presents data on mucormycosis, aspergillosis and other visceral avian mycoses incidence, defines the level of mycogenic contamination of feed and air in poultry breeding premises at poultry farms of Poltava region. New promising fields of mucormycosis and aspergillosis preventing and treatment have been determined environmentally safe compared to the traditional methods. First in Ukraine, measures are developed to reduce air pollution with fungi spores, agents of avian mucormycosis and aspergillosis, depending on their species by means of the suggested methods. According to the results of the in-house studies on pathologic material taken from the dead birds, positive samples as to the presence of mycoses agents were 62.3%. Avian mono-infections were isolated more frequently (81.4%), than associated forms (18.6%). Out of 293 samples in the sanitary-mycological studies of feeds, 139 samples (47.4%) were positive being contaminated with epigenous micromycetes. The most wide-spread feed contaminants were fungi belonging to the Mucoraceae family (68.6% of the total isolated fungi). Mycological studies of air in the poultry farms premises have determined that the minimum fungi spores concentration made 30 ± 17.3 CFU/м3, whereas the maximum was 2,406.7 ± 100.7 CFU/м3. Features of the Aspergillus fumigatus, A. flavus, A. niger, Mucor spp., Rhizopus spp. isolates growth were studied by means of their cultivation in various nutrient media. Expediency has been proved of using the Sabouraud agar for isolation and identification of fungi belonging to the Mucoraceae family, whereas the Sabouraud and Czapek agar should be used for isolation and identification of fungi belonging to the Aspergillus genus. Features of the mucormycosis pathogenesis have been clarified at its experimental reproduction in white mice. Peculiarities of the clinical progression, pathological and pathohistological changes in hens at experimentally induced mucormycosis and its aspergillosis-associative clinical progression were studied in the field conditions. Susceptibility of fungi belonging to Mucor and Aspergillus genera to synthetic antifungal agents, wild bergamot (Monarda fistulosa L.) essential oil and eugenol has been determined. Assessment of the isolated fungi cultures susceptibility to wild bergamot essential oil and eugenol compared to that to synthetic antifungal agents demonstrates higher susceptibility of fungi cultures to essential oils. Based on the results of studying the minimal inhibiting wild bergamot essential oil and eugenol concentration, methods to reduce the closed premises air pollution with Mucor and Aspergillus genera fungi have been developed. It was determined that under the experimental conditions, the suggested combinations of eugenol and wild bergamot essential oil reduced the air pollution with Mucor ramosissimus fungi by 82%, Aspergillus flavus — by 64%, A. niger — by 43% and A. fumigatus — by 75 %. Antagonistic activity of probiotic bacteria of the Bacillus subtillis group, isolated from PIP AHS, was proved as to Mucor and Aspergillus genera fungi. It was clarified that fungicidal efficiency of ultraviolet emission (at the wave length of 253.7 nm and at the 60 min exposition) as to Mucor ramosissimus made 85%, that of Aspergillus flavus — 75% and that of A. fumigatus — 59%. The pronounced fungistatic effect of ultraviolet emission on A. flavus and A. fumigatus was observed. As to A. niger culture, the fungicide efficiency was zero, because under the ultraviolet emission, growth of the survived spores’ amount up to 5% was observed. Simultaneously, the delayed ultraviolet emission’s fungistatic effect on the fungi culture was registered.
Ключові слова
мукормікоз, аспергільоз, птиця, Mucor ramosissimus, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, ефірна олія монарди, евгенол, бактерії групи Bacillus subtilis, мукормикоз, аспергиллёз, птица, эфирное масло монарды, эвгенол, mucormycosis, aspergillosis, poultry, wild bergamot essential oil, eugenol
Бібліографічний опис
Кінаш О. В. Асоційовані мікози птиці (Aspergillus, Mucoraceae) та розробка засобів боротьби з ними : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. вет. наук : спец. 16.00.03 „Ветеринарна мікробіологія, епізоотологія, інфекційні хвороби та імунологія” / О. В. Кінаш. – Харків, 2017. – 20 с.