Особливості будови клубово-сліпокишкового сегмента в плодів людини
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Українська медична стоматологічна академія
Дослідження проведено на 50 трупах плодів 7-10 місяців (305,0-450,0 мм тім’яно-п’яткової довжини) за допомогою антропометрії, ін’єкції судин, макромікропрепарування, гістологічного метода, морфометрії. Встановлено органометричні параметри клубово-сліпокишкового сегменту в плодів, особливості
кровопостачання, динамікa змін топографії клубово-сліпокишкового сегмента впродовж плодового періоду; Исследование проведено на 50 трупах плодов 7-10 месяцев (305,0-450,0 мм теменно-пяточной длины) с помощью антропометрии, инъекции сосудов, макромикропрепарирования, гистологического метода, морфометрии. Установлены органометрические параметры подвздошно-слепокишечного сегмента у плодов, особенности кровоснабжения, динамику изменений топографии подвздошно-слепокишечного сегмента в течение плодного периода; The study was conducted on 50 cadavers of fetuses in the age 7-10 months (305,0-450,0 mm parieto-calcaneal length) using anthropometry, vascular injection, macro-, micro preparation, histological methods, morphometry. It was discovered the metric settings of the iliocecal segments in human fetuses, especially the blood supply, changes in topography dynamic of the iliocecal segment during fetal period. The shape of it is the spatial manifestation of temporary discrepancies intensity of its constituents that causes the cyclical nature of this process and leads eventually to the formation of numerous variants of the structure of intestine part in the fetus. The development of the structure of the iliocecal segment performed throughout during the prenatal period of human ontogenesis. After the linking and extra-intraorganic parts bloodstream is the further development and complexity of its structure it was provided additional blood supply functionally active sites – locking segments. In brachymorphic type physique iliocecal segments is located at the upper third of the body of the third lumbar vertebra, in front of the middle third part of the body and the fourth lumbar vertebra. It is situated in the mesomorphic type, at the level of the intervertebral disc, between the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae or at adjacent disc thirds of these same vertebrae. Not less pronounced typological differences exist in holotopia iliocecal part of the intestine. However, the division of the anterior abdominal wall fruit in areas not fully corresponds to that in adults – hypo- and epigasric region occupied a relatively smaller area and mesohastric bigger part. The anterior abdominal wall, which is a pearshaped, refers to brachymorphic type, when the costal distance is bigger than the spinous. In these cases, ileocecal segment projects within the upper third of the right side area of the anterior abdominal wall. In fetuses with dolichomorphic body type, the anterior abdominal wall also is a pear-shaped, but costal distance is smaller than barbate. This ileocecal department of intestine projects within the middle third of the right side area of the anterior abdominal wall. The most common body type correspond an oval shape of the anterior abdominal wall when costal and barbate distances are similar or equal. In these circumstances, ileocecal projects on the boundary between the upper and middle third of the right side area of the anterior abdominal wall. Angioarchitecture changes of ileocecal segment at the end of the gestational period of apparent appearance on the 9th month of the second order transverse vessels and 10th month – iliac branches of the iliac vessels colon second order. They don’t form lateral anastomosis and connect to the anastomosic archs of the first order. The junction of blood vessels, forming an anastomosic arch of the second order is oral and aboral end of ileocecal segment. The shape of ileocecal segment is the spatial manifestation of temporary discrepancies intensity of his constituents that causes the cyclical nature of this process and leads eventually to the formation of numerous variants of the
structure of part of the intestine in fruit. Angioarchitecture becoming of ileocecal department perform throughout the prenatal period of human ontogenesis.
Ключові слова
клубово-сліпокишковий сегмент, плоди, людина, подвздошно-слепокишечный сегмент, плоды, человек, iliocecal segment, fetus, human being
Бібліографічний опис
Антонюк О. П. Особливості будови клубово-сліпокишкового сегмента в плодів людини / О. П. Антонюк // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2017. – Вип. 1 (135).– С. 259–263.