Мотивація пізнавальної діяльності інтерактивними методами і формами та її значення в професійній підготовці майбутніх лікарів
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Вищий державний навчальний заклад України «Українська медична стоматологічна академія»
У статті наведений досвід впровадження роботи психологічної служби відділу якості освіти і ЕКТС в навчальний процес в Українській медичній стоматологічній академії. Обговорюється питання підвищення якості мотивації до навчання. Проведення змагань за умов використання інтерактивних методів навчання, сучасних технік, має багато спільного з проведенням тренінгів. Тому викладачам не завадить хоча б коротко ознайомитись з тренінговими методиками та визначити для себе можливості застосування їх елементів на заняттях і в навчально-виховній діяльності; В статье приведен опыт внедрения работы психологической службы отдела качества образования и ЕКТС в учебный процесс в Украинской медицинской стоматологической академии. Обсуждается вопрос повышения качества мотивации к обучению. Проведение соревнований при использовании интерактивных методов обучения, современных техник, имеет много общего с проведением тренингов. Поэтому преподавателям не помешает хотя бы кратко ознакомиться с тренинговыми методиками и определить для себя возможности применения их элементов на занятиях и в учебно-воспитательной деятельности; Department for quality of education, monitoring and ECTS has offered such form of psychological support, as psychological training for medical students according to the program of group consulting-developing psychological training, called «The development of the personality of the future physician”, aiming at improvement of motivational readiness of students, studying at higher medical educational establishments. The use of active learning methods is extremely important because they have a big impact on learning, knowledge acquisition and development of personal qualities. Studies show that students prefer active methods of learning. Others point to the fact that in terms of evaluation of active learning methods and traditional lectures, indicators of mastering of knowledge are co-measurable, whereas the indicators of mastering the new skills are higher than those that were achieved after the course of regular lectures. In other words, it is important for educators to be aware of not only how many of the students have acquired knowledge, but also how much they have learned while studying, and how they will use the obtained knowledge. Interactive learning methods enhance the conformism of students, develop new forms of thinking and learning. Educators assert that learning itself is active and youth is active even during the lectures. However, students in the process of learning must do much more than simply to listen and make record of thoughts, formed by the teacher. They can keep on the information independently, determine and discuss the problems, find ways of their solution, observe and plan. They should be able to apply new knowledge and skills into practice, to create feedbacks. They also need to be involved into higher-level intellectual operations, i. e., the analysis, synthesis and assessment. In this context, active learning is the training that allows students to be involved into process of the development of cognitive information and awaken the personal responsibility for what they do. Therefore, methods of active learning are the ways of learning interactions that activate the independence of thoughts of those who learn, engage them in the process of developing the information, form a system of attitudes, create an atmosphere of understanding and empathy, and make students to be the authentic subjects of learning. Methods of active learning are implementing by means of number of more specified methods of teacher’s activity, i. e., game exercises, practical tasks, role-playing and simulations, problem discussions in groups and pairs. Currently, a considerable attention is paid to interactive learning techniques that are performed with the use of training programs that implement the efficient approach to learning. After all, search for the most effective structure of learning and its organization is the keystone of quality long-term learning. All types of learning activities of students should be properly organized and provided with the appropriate means, i. e. created a learning environment in which learning can have signs of effectiveness in understanding of indispensable achievement of the prospected goals. Interactive methods of learning capture students, awakening the interest for study and stimulate motivation, teach to acquire independent thinking and actions. Psychological training as one of the most effective methods of information acquisition and its subsequent generation, unlike traditional forms of education, activates the level and volume of its types of competencies, in particular, social, social psychological, purpose-oriented, productive and effective, predictive, analytical-synthetic, situational etc. Group discussions, psychological tasks, interactive communication facilitate the development of professionally significant qualities of a health care professional: humanism, self control, flexibility in behavior, honesty, empathy, ability to explain to the patient the need for treatment. A physician has to learn to analyze and constantly advance his/ her proficiency level, be ready for effective cooperation with patients and other professionals. Teaching in the conditions of the use of interactive learning methods and advanced techniques has much in common with training. Consequently, educators should be at least briefly acquainted with the training techniques and determine for themselves the possibility of implementing its elements in the classroom and in teaching and educational activity.
Ключові слова
method, visual, methods of active learning, auditorium and kinetic types of study, motivation for cognitive activity, training, feedback, competences, метод, методи активного навчання, мотивація пізнавальної діяльності, аудиторія та кінетичні типи навчання, зворотній зв'язок, навчання, компетенції, навчання, методы активного обучения, метод, мотивация когнитивной деятельности, аудитория и кинетические виды обучения, обратная связь, визуальная, обучения, компетенций
Бібліографічний опис
Білаш С. М. Мотивація пізнавальної діяльності інтерактивними методами і формами та її значення в професійній підготовці майбутніх лікарів / С. М. Білаш // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2015. – Вип. 2, Т. 4 (121). – С. 39–43.