Оцінка ефективності лікувально-профілактичного комплексу за динамікою імунобіохімічних маркерів ротової рідини, системи інтерферону та клітинного імунітету у хворих на хронічну герпетичну інфекцію при плануванні дентальної імплантації
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Полтавський державний медичний університет
У статті представлені результати оцінки ефективності використання лікувально-профілактичного
комплексу шляхом визначення динаміки імунобіохімічних маркерів ротової рідини, системи інтерферону та
клітинного імунітету у хворих на хронічну герпетичну інфекцію які потребують дентальної імплантації. Застосування лікувально-профілактичного комплексу сприяє усуненню порушень, що відбуваються в системі
антиоксидантного захисту, в системі інтерферону та з боку показників клітинного імунітету, що в свою чергу
призводить до раннього купірування запальної відповіді організму у післяопераційному періоді у пацієнтів із
ХГІ після дентальної імплантації. Лікувально-профілактичний комплекс – ефективний захід щодо профілактики розвитку можливих рецидивів ХГІ та периімплантитів у цієї категорії пацієнтів при плануванні дентальної
В статье представлены результаты оценки эффективности применения лечебно-профилактиче- ского комплекса путем определения динамики иммунобиохимических маркеров ротовой жидкости, системы интерферона и клеточного иммунитета у больных хронической герпетической инфекцией требующих дентальной имплантации. Применение лечебно-профилактического комплекса способствует устранению нарушений, происходящих в системе антиоксидантной защиты, в системе интерферона и со стороны показателей клеточного иммунитета, что в свою очередь приводит к раннему купированию воспалительного ответа организма в послеоперационном периоде у пациентов с ХГИ после дентальной имплантации. Лечебно-профилактический комплекс – эффективная мера по профилактике развития возможных рецидивов ХГИ и периимплантита в этой категории пациентов при планировании дентальной имплантации.
Examination of immune biochemical, interferon status and state of cellular immunity in patients with chronic herpetic infection (ChHI), which need the dental implantation for development of the proper specific therapy is actual nowadays. Purpose and object of research – estimation of efficiency of treatment and prophylaxis complex (TPC) by determination of dynamics of immune biochemical markers of oral fluid, system of interferon and cellular immunity in patients with ChHI, which need dental implantation. Methods of research. 105 patients were examined in dynamics, the following groups were formed: control – practically healthy (n = 35) and two groups of patients with ChHI: № 1 – basic (n = 35), № 2 – group of comparison (n = 35). TPC efficacy (“Amicsin® IS” administration before implantation according to the scheme of prophylaxis and after implantation – antidisbiotic drug “Qwertulin” after the scheme of treatment) was estimated according to the immune biochemical level of oral cavity, state of cellular immunity and interferon status. A standard medical treatment for dental implantation was used in group 2. Results of research and discussion. Changes in immunological and biochemical indices of oral fluid were established. Their dynamics in case of TPC application in group 1 characterized reduced activity of inflammatory process and improvement of local immune response: catalase activity increased by the 7th day after establishment of implants by 32.1% as compared wich the initial data, by the 21st day reached the level of control group. The MDA level reduced by the 7th day by 40.0% as compared with data before the implantation, by 21st – 63.1% as compared with the control group. There is violation in the system of interferon in the blood serum (IFN-α 1.5 times, and IFN-γ – 1.8 times lower, than in healthy ones (r<0,05). The conducted treatment substantially affected the interferon genesis: indices increased correspondingly 1.3 and 1.5 times and reached the appropriate values in healthy people. The quantitative estimation of T-cells characterized pronounced chronic pathology, which consisted in reduced number of CD3+ cells – 55.38±1.07, CD4+ – 37.81±1.46, CD16+ – 19.63±0.88, CD56+ – 9.59±0.73, CD4 / CD8 – 1,27±0.01. The TPC usage gave positive dynamics as for cellular immunity, which reached the level in healthy ones. In group 2 there was slow reduction of inflammatory process activity in the oral cavity: the indices of antioxidant defence of mucous membrane improved by the 21st day, and IL-6 and activity of urease did not attain the level of control group. The IFN-α level in the blood level increased only 1.1 times, and IFN-γ – 1.2 times. Substantial improvement of cellular immunity state was not succeeded. A relative renewal of protective processes were observed only on the 21 day. Results. The analysis of results characterizes a positive dynamics of immune biochemical, immunologic indices of oral fluid and state of cellular immunity in patients suffering from chronic herpetic infection, which is conditioned by the prophylactic action, which TPC drugs synergism makes: “Amixin® IS” by induction of interferon activates natural killers and macrophages, which eliminates infected cells at ChHI, “Qwertulin” stimulates own protective forces of organism and growth of probiotic microflora of oral cavity, which is especially important in the postoperative period. The developed TPC can be used as an effective mean for prevention of herpetic stomatitis or periimplantitis exacerbation.
В статье представлены результаты оценки эффективности применения лечебно-профилактиче- ского комплекса путем определения динамики иммунобиохимических маркеров ротовой жидкости, системы интерферона и клеточного иммунитета у больных хронической герпетической инфекцией требующих дентальной имплантации. Применение лечебно-профилактического комплекса способствует устранению нарушений, происходящих в системе антиоксидантной защиты, в системе интерферона и со стороны показателей клеточного иммунитета, что в свою очередь приводит к раннему купированию воспалительного ответа организма в послеоперационном периоде у пациентов с ХГИ после дентальной имплантации. Лечебно-профилактический комплекс – эффективная мера по профилактике развития возможных рецидивов ХГИ и периимплантита в этой категории пациентов при планировании дентальной имплантации.
Examination of immune biochemical, interferon status and state of cellular immunity in patients with chronic herpetic infection (ChHI), which need the dental implantation for development of the proper specific therapy is actual nowadays. Purpose and object of research – estimation of efficiency of treatment and prophylaxis complex (TPC) by determination of dynamics of immune biochemical markers of oral fluid, system of interferon and cellular immunity in patients with ChHI, which need dental implantation. Methods of research. 105 patients were examined in dynamics, the following groups were formed: control – practically healthy (n = 35) and two groups of patients with ChHI: № 1 – basic (n = 35), № 2 – group of comparison (n = 35). TPC efficacy (“Amicsin® IS” administration before implantation according to the scheme of prophylaxis and after implantation – antidisbiotic drug “Qwertulin” after the scheme of treatment) was estimated according to the immune biochemical level of oral cavity, state of cellular immunity and interferon status. A standard medical treatment for dental implantation was used in group 2. Results of research and discussion. Changes in immunological and biochemical indices of oral fluid were established. Their dynamics in case of TPC application in group 1 characterized reduced activity of inflammatory process and improvement of local immune response: catalase activity increased by the 7th day after establishment of implants by 32.1% as compared wich the initial data, by the 21st day reached the level of control group. The MDA level reduced by the 7th day by 40.0% as compared with data before the implantation, by 21st – 63.1% as compared with the control group. There is violation in the system of interferon in the blood serum (IFN-α 1.5 times, and IFN-γ – 1.8 times lower, than in healthy ones (r<0,05). The conducted treatment substantially affected the interferon genesis: indices increased correspondingly 1.3 and 1.5 times and reached the appropriate values in healthy people. The quantitative estimation of T-cells characterized pronounced chronic pathology, which consisted in reduced number of CD3+ cells – 55.38±1.07, CD4+ – 37.81±1.46, CD16+ – 19.63±0.88, CD56+ – 9.59±0.73, CD4 / CD8 – 1,27±0.01. The TPC usage gave positive dynamics as for cellular immunity, which reached the level in healthy ones. In group 2 there was slow reduction of inflammatory process activity in the oral cavity: the indices of antioxidant defence of mucous membrane improved by the 21st day, and IL-6 and activity of urease did not attain the level of control group. The IFN-α level in the blood level increased only 1.1 times, and IFN-γ – 1.2 times. Substantial improvement of cellular immunity state was not succeeded. A relative renewal of protective processes were observed only on the 21 day. Results. The analysis of results characterizes a positive dynamics of immune biochemical, immunologic indices of oral fluid and state of cellular immunity in patients suffering from chronic herpetic infection, which is conditioned by the prophylactic action, which TPC drugs synergism makes: “Amixin® IS” by induction of interferon activates natural killers and macrophages, which eliminates infected cells at ChHI, “Qwertulin” stimulates own protective forces of organism and growth of probiotic microflora of oral cavity, which is especially important in the postoperative period. The developed TPC can be used as an effective mean for prevention of herpetic stomatitis or periimplantitis exacerbation.
Ключові слова
хронічна герпетична інфекція, лікувально-профілактичний комплекс, дентальна імплантація, хроническая герпетическая инфекция, лечебно-профилактический комплекс, дентальная имплантация, chronic herpetic infection, medical-prophylactic complex, dental implantation
Бібліографічний опис
Біда А. В. Оцінка ефективності лікувально-профілактичного комплексу за динамікою імунобіохімічних маркерів ротової рідини, системи інтерферону та клітинного імунітету у хворих на хронічну герпетичну інфекцію при плануванні дентальної імплантації / А. В. Біда, Ю. Г. Романова, Т. В. Чабан // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2018. – Вип. 1, т. 2 (143). – С. 345–350.