Абсолютна і відносна кількість основних популяцій імунокомпетентних клітин периферичної крові дітей зі сколіозом
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Українська медична стоматологічна академія
У роботі представлено результати вивчення абсолютної і відносної кількості основних популяцій
імунокомпетентних клітин в периферичній крові дітей віком 7-10 років зі сколіозом, оскільки периферична кров грає провідну роль в забезпеченні адаптаційних процесів за рахунок її функції транспорту поживних речовин і кисню як головних джерел енергії для клітин і тканин. Також система крові є одним з важливих носіїв інформації про процесах, які проходять на рівні тканин, а імунокомпетентні клітини дуже чутливі до змін зовнішнього середовища проживання і внутрішнього стану організму. Результати дослідження показали, що хлопчики зі сколіозом відрізняються від дівчаток зі сколіозом у віці 7-10 років по збільшенню відносної кількості еозинофілів, абсолютної кількості нейтрофілів, паличкоядерних і сегментоядерних форм, моноцитів. У всіх випадках встановлена перша ступінь імунних порушень, що не обов’язково призначати лікувально-профілактичні засоби і проводити лікувальні фармакологічні заходи.
В работе представлены результаты изучения абсолютного и относительного количества основных популяций иммунокомпетентных клеток в периферической крови детей 7-10 лет со сколиозом, поскольку периферическая кровь играет ведущую роль в обеспечении адаптационных процессов за счет ее функции транспорта питательных веществ и кислорода как главных источников энергии для клеток и тканей. Также система крови является одним из важных носителей информации о процессах, которые проходят на уровне тканей, а иммунокомпетентные клетки очень чувствительны к изменениям внешней среды и внутреннего состояния организма. Результаты исследования показали, что мальчики со сколиозом отличаются от девочек со сколиозом в возрасте 7-10 лет по увеличению относительного количества эозинофилов, абсолютного количества нейтрофилов, палочкоядерных и сегментоядерных форм, моноцитов. Во всех случаях установлена первая степень иммунных нарушений, в которых не обязательно назначать лечебно-профилактические средства и проводить лечебные фармакологические мероприятия.
One of the most urgent issues of modern biology and pathological physiology is the problem of individualization of adaptive reactions of the organism to practically healthy children and children suffering from certain diseases and conditions (people with scoliosis) for various kinds of stimuli, diseases and certain conditions. When deciding the adaptive tension of the body of children with scoliosis, there were reasons to believe that the leading role, in addition to the musculoskeletal system, is played by regulatory systems, primarily immune, nervous and endocrine. In favour of this assumption are the following circumstances. First, it is known that the level of adaptive strain of the human body is determined by the absolute and relative number of immunocompetent cells: highly professional T- and B-lymphocytes and the largest population in the peripheral blood and in tissues of segmental neutrophilic leukocytes, which play a key role in the congenital and in specific adaptive immunity. Second, to show that the morphological and purely chemical changes that occur in the lymphoid tissue of the body and in the organs (central and peripheral) of the immune system against the background of immunization, the development of the infectious process and reactive stress, have a far-reaching similarity, and the basis of these changes Proliferative processes lie. The aim of the study. To study the effect of organic defect of the vertebral column on the absolute and relative number of major populations of immunocompetent cells of peripheral blood of children with scoliosis 7-10 years. The object and methods of research. The study involved 37 children aged 7 to 10 years. Of these, we examined 15 patients (9 boys, 6 girls) with dysplastic scoliosis I and II with arc of the spine under Chaklin, a control group of 22 healthy children was 12 boys and 10 girls. Scoliosis and children in the control group studied the level of adaptive tension on the basis of absolute and relative numbers of major populations of immune cells. For research, a capillary blood sample was taken in the morning before eating. Counting of leukocytes was carried out in the chamber Goryaev, the leukocyte formula was studied in blood smears stained by the Romanovsky-Gimse method in a light microscope of the company “Olympus” (Germany). The adaptation index, calculated from the ratio of the relative number of lymphocytes and segmental neutrophilic leukocytes, was used as an integration test. Results of the research and their discussion. Considering the absolute and relative number of major populations of inflammation in peripheral blood of children aged 7-10 years with scoliosis, it is possible to conclude that the boys have a 44.0% relative number of eosinophils and 14.46% monocytes more than girls with scoliosis of this age. However, in girls with scoliosis, the absolute number of neutrophilic leukocytes is 7.82% due to an increase in the relative number of young forms of this population (rod-nuclear); lymphocytes at 3.32%. They have a higher ESR of 11.74%, which indicates a possible inflammatory process. In boys aged 7-10 years with scoliosis, compared with almost healthy peers, a decrease in the absolute and relative total number of total neutrophil pools was noted at 10.78% and 5.88% respectively, due to the decreased relative number of both stray nuclei and mature segmental nuclei neutrophils. At the same time, in boys with scoliosis, the absolute and relative number of monocytes is 8.11% and 21.57% respectively. They decrease ESR by 9.7%, compared with practically healthy boys of the corresponding age. Girls with scoliosis differ from their practically healthy peers by a decrease in the relative number of eosinophils in 2.24 times, in absolute (5.75%), and in relative (3.46%) in the total number of neutrophil pools due to reduction of the rod-nuclear (at 4,95%) and segmental (3.39%) neutrophilic polymorphic leukocytes, reduced ESR by 18.83%. In girls with scoliosis, an increase was found in comparison with almost healthy peers of absolute (25.9%) and relative (24.5%) monocytes; relative (8.72%), absolute amount (by 8.21%) of lymphocytes. Boys with scoliosis differ from girls with scoliosis at the age of 7-10 years by increasing the relative number of eosinophils, the absolute number of neutrophils, rodenuclear and segmental forms, monocytes. In all cases, the first degree of immune disturbances is established, which does not necessarily impose therapeutic and prophylactic measures and conduct medical pharmacological measures. Necessary in this case only monitoring to study the absolute and relative number of major populations of infections and physical exercises. Conclusions. The content of the absolute and relative number of major populations of immunocompetent cells in peripheral blood of school-age children (7-10 years old) suffering from scoliosis depends on age, gender and significance of the corresponding indicator, it is characterized by a decrease in the rates compared with almost healthy peers. In boys with scoliosis, in comparison with girls with the same pathology, there is an increase in the relative amount of monocytes by 14.46%, eosinophils by 44.0% at the age of 7-10. In girls with scoliosis, the absolute number of neutrophilic leukocytes is 7.82%, and the elevated ESR is 11.74%, indicating possible inflammatory processes. Prospects for further research. The next stage of our study is to investigate the effect of the organic defect of the vertebral column on the level of adaptive tension, cellular and immunological reactivity of the organism in children aged 11 to 14 years with scoliosis.
В работе представлены результаты изучения абсолютного и относительного количества основных популяций иммунокомпетентных клеток в периферической крови детей 7-10 лет со сколиозом, поскольку периферическая кровь играет ведущую роль в обеспечении адаптационных процессов за счет ее функции транспорта питательных веществ и кислорода как главных источников энергии для клеток и тканей. Также система крови является одним из важных носителей информации о процессах, которые проходят на уровне тканей, а иммунокомпетентные клетки очень чувствительны к изменениям внешней среды и внутреннего состояния организма. Результаты исследования показали, что мальчики со сколиозом отличаются от девочек со сколиозом в возрасте 7-10 лет по увеличению относительного количества эозинофилов, абсолютного количества нейтрофилов, палочкоядерных и сегментоядерных форм, моноцитов. Во всех случаях установлена первая степень иммунных нарушений, в которых не обязательно назначать лечебно-профилактические средства и проводить лечебные фармакологические мероприятия.
One of the most urgent issues of modern biology and pathological physiology is the problem of individualization of adaptive reactions of the organism to practically healthy children and children suffering from certain diseases and conditions (people with scoliosis) for various kinds of stimuli, diseases and certain conditions. When deciding the adaptive tension of the body of children with scoliosis, there were reasons to believe that the leading role, in addition to the musculoskeletal system, is played by regulatory systems, primarily immune, nervous and endocrine. In favour of this assumption are the following circumstances. First, it is known that the level of adaptive strain of the human body is determined by the absolute and relative number of immunocompetent cells: highly professional T- and B-lymphocytes and the largest population in the peripheral blood and in tissues of segmental neutrophilic leukocytes, which play a key role in the congenital and in specific adaptive immunity. Second, to show that the morphological and purely chemical changes that occur in the lymphoid tissue of the body and in the organs (central and peripheral) of the immune system against the background of immunization, the development of the infectious process and reactive stress, have a far-reaching similarity, and the basis of these changes Proliferative processes lie. The aim of the study. To study the effect of organic defect of the vertebral column on the absolute and relative number of major populations of immunocompetent cells of peripheral blood of children with scoliosis 7-10 years. The object and methods of research. The study involved 37 children aged 7 to 10 years. Of these, we examined 15 patients (9 boys, 6 girls) with dysplastic scoliosis I and II with arc of the spine under Chaklin, a control group of 22 healthy children was 12 boys and 10 girls. Scoliosis and children in the control group studied the level of adaptive tension on the basis of absolute and relative numbers of major populations of immune cells. For research, a capillary blood sample was taken in the morning before eating. Counting of leukocytes was carried out in the chamber Goryaev, the leukocyte formula was studied in blood smears stained by the Romanovsky-Gimse method in a light microscope of the company “Olympus” (Germany). The adaptation index, calculated from the ratio of the relative number of lymphocytes and segmental neutrophilic leukocytes, was used as an integration test. Results of the research and their discussion. Considering the absolute and relative number of major populations of inflammation in peripheral blood of children aged 7-10 years with scoliosis, it is possible to conclude that the boys have a 44.0% relative number of eosinophils and 14.46% monocytes more than girls with scoliosis of this age. However, in girls with scoliosis, the absolute number of neutrophilic leukocytes is 7.82% due to an increase in the relative number of young forms of this population (rod-nuclear); lymphocytes at 3.32%. They have a higher ESR of 11.74%, which indicates a possible inflammatory process. In boys aged 7-10 years with scoliosis, compared with almost healthy peers, a decrease in the absolute and relative total number of total neutrophil pools was noted at 10.78% and 5.88% respectively, due to the decreased relative number of both stray nuclei and mature segmental nuclei neutrophils. At the same time, in boys with scoliosis, the absolute and relative number of monocytes is 8.11% and 21.57% respectively. They decrease ESR by 9.7%, compared with practically healthy boys of the corresponding age. Girls with scoliosis differ from their practically healthy peers by a decrease in the relative number of eosinophils in 2.24 times, in absolute (5.75%), and in relative (3.46%) in the total number of neutrophil pools due to reduction of the rod-nuclear (at 4,95%) and segmental (3.39%) neutrophilic polymorphic leukocytes, reduced ESR by 18.83%. In girls with scoliosis, an increase was found in comparison with almost healthy peers of absolute (25.9%) and relative (24.5%) monocytes; relative (8.72%), absolute amount (by 8.21%) of lymphocytes. Boys with scoliosis differ from girls with scoliosis at the age of 7-10 years by increasing the relative number of eosinophils, the absolute number of neutrophils, rodenuclear and segmental forms, monocytes. In all cases, the first degree of immune disturbances is established, which does not necessarily impose therapeutic and prophylactic measures and conduct medical pharmacological measures. Necessary in this case only monitoring to study the absolute and relative number of major populations of infections and physical exercises. Conclusions. The content of the absolute and relative number of major populations of immunocompetent cells in peripheral blood of school-age children (7-10 years old) suffering from scoliosis depends on age, gender and significance of the corresponding indicator, it is characterized by a decrease in the rates compared with almost healthy peers. In boys with scoliosis, in comparison with girls with the same pathology, there is an increase in the relative amount of monocytes by 14.46%, eosinophils by 44.0% at the age of 7-10. In girls with scoliosis, the absolute number of neutrophilic leukocytes is 7.82%, and the elevated ESR is 11.74%, indicating possible inflammatory processes. Prospects for further research. The next stage of our study is to investigate the effect of the organic defect of the vertebral column on the level of adaptive tension, cellular and immunological reactivity of the organism in children aged 11 to 14 years with scoliosis.
Ключові слова
діти 7-10 років, сколіоз, імунокомпетентні клітини, дети 7-10 лет, сколиоз, иммунокомпетентные клетки, children 7-10 years old, scoliosis, immunocompetent cells
Бібліографічний опис
Дичко О. А. Абсолютна і відносна кількість основних популяцій імунокомпетентних клітин периферичної крові дітей зі сколіозом / О. А. Дичко // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2018. – Вип. 1, т. 2 (143). – С. 121–124.