Исследование базисных стоматологических материалов по показателям водопоглащения

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Introduction. Basic materials used in prosthetic dentistry by manufac-turing of dentures absorb water in a varying degree. The water absorption of basic dental materials can cause changes in geometric shapes of denture bases, worsen the mechanical properties, form pores, contribute to the penetration and reproduction of bacteria, which largely determines the term of prostheses usage. The aim of the work was to compare the intensity and dynamic of water absorption of denture base materials that have been manufactured in a certain dental laboratory. Objects and methods. The study tested such plastics for bases of re-movable dentures as the fluorine-containing acrylic copolymer «Ftoraks» (Ukraine); polyamide (nylon) «Vertex Termosense», (Netherlands). The research results. Dynamic of water absorption among the test sam-ples showed that amount of water on the 7th day was absorbed by material «Ftoraks», has gained 1,12% of the sample weight, denture base material «Vertex Termosense» has gained 0,78%. These water absorption parameters of denture base material for the next 7 days showed the same dynamic of water retention, namely the material sample «Ftoraks» – 0,29% «Vertex Ter-mosense» – 0,2% Conclusion. The obtained results showed that the base material «Fto-raks» has higher absolute water absorption ability, than «Vertex Termosense».


Ключові слова

denture base materials «Ftoraks», «Vertex Termosense», water absorption, removable dentures

Бібліографічний опис

Кузь В. С. Исследование базисных стоматологических материалов по показателям водопоглащения / В. С. Кузь // Обеспечение демографической безопасности при решении актуальных вопросов хирургической стоматологии и челюстно-лицевой хирургии : сб. трудов Национального конгресса с междунар. участием «Паринские чтения 2016», 5–6 мая 2016 г. – Минск, 2016. – С. 432–433.