Comprehensive assessment of caries resistance in 6 -7 year-old children residing in Poltava and internally displaced children
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ALUNA Publishing
Aim: The aim of this study is to assess caries resistance in children from Poltava and internally displaced children from frontline regions by analyzing caries indicators and oral fluid properties. This will help evaluate the impact of war and displacement on their dental health. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted at the City Children Dental Clinic in Poltava and included 330 children aged 6-7 years, of whom 56.7% were boys and 43.3% were girls. Among them, 230 children were internally displaced persons (Group I), and 100 were permanent residents of Poltava (Group II). Results: The analysis of caries prevalence and intensity showed a significant difference between the groups. In Group I, the prevalence of caries was 77.8%, and the intensity of the dmft+DMFT index was 3.31±0.2, which is significantly higher than in Group II (66% and 1.91±0.2; p<0.05). Indicators of oral fluid homeostasis were also worse in internally displaced children; pH was 13% lower, and the salivary flow rate was 1.3 times lower than in Group II children (p<0.05). Conclusions: The study revealed a higher prevalence of caries among internally displaced children (77.8%) compared to children from Poltava (66%). Internally displaced children showed higher caries rates and lower caries resistance. These findings highlight the urgent need for preventive programs to improve the dental health of internally displaced children.
Ключові слова
children, dental caries, oral fluid, enamel resistance, microcrystallization, war time, діти, карієс, ротова рідина, емалева резистентність, мікрокристалізація, воєнний стан
Бібліографічний опис
Comprehensive assessment of caries resistance in 6 -7 year-old children residing in Poltava and internally displaced children/ O. V. Sheshukova, A. S. Mosiienko, T. V. Polishchuk [et al.] // Wiadomosci lekarskie. – 2024. – Vol. LXXVII, issue 12.– P. 2487–2492.