The development mechanisms of overweight in young people

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Вищий державний навчальний заклад України «Українська медична стоматологічна академія»


Surveyed individuals of both sexes aged 18-25 years, were divided into two groups according to body mass index (BMI), 41 people - with normal weight (BMI 18,5-24,9 kg/m2) and - 27 with the overweight (BMI above 25 kg/m2). Indicators of total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and LDL cholesterol, glucose, insulin, insulin resistance index HOMA-IR have been studied. The level of chronic systemic inflammation was determined by the level of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and ceruloplasmin (CP). We determined the levels of neuropeptides - Agouti-related protein - AgRP and cocaine- and amphetamineregulated transcript - CART. In the group of people with overweight were significantly increased insulin levels by 47,38%, HOMA-IR index by 44,02%, the CP by 10,98%, AgRP neuropeptides by 62,72%. It is suggested that under the conditions of excess uptake of nutrients, the formation of hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance insulin contributes to increased of AgRP neuropeptide secretion and early formation of pathological range.


Ключові слова

overweight, chronic systemic inflammation, neuropeptides, energy metabolism

Бібліографічний опис

The development mechanisms of overweight in young people / Yu. S. Shevchenko, T. V. Mamontovа, A. F. Baranova [et al.] // Проблеми екології та медицини. – 2004. – Т. 18, № 5–6. – С. 49–53.