Перекисное окисление липидов и антиоксидантная защита в сыворотке крови у беременных с гестозом и железодефицитной анемией

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Українська медична стоматологічна академія


Було обстежено 90 вагітних жінок з пізніми гестозами вагітних, обтяжених залізодефіцитною анемією. У сироватці крові перевірявся рівень антиоксидантних вітамінів С і Е. Були зроблені висновки, що гестоз і анемія взаємо обтяжують один одного. У їх патогенезі багато спільного — при обох патологіях активізуються процеси перекисного окислення ліпідів і знижується антиоксидантна активність крові; Было обследовано 90 беременных женщин с поздними гестозами беременных, отягощенных железодефицитной анемией. В сыворотке крови проверялся уровень антиоксидантных витаминов С и Е. Были сделаны выводы, что гестоз и анемия взаимоотягощают друг друга. В их патогенезе много общего – при обеих патологиях активизируются процессы перекисного окисления липидов и снижается антиоксидантная активность крови; The goal is to study the processes of lipid peroxidation and status of antioxidant defense system of the organism in pregnant women with late gestosis combined with iron deficiency anemia. Methods. To accomplish this goal was the study involved 90 pregnant women with gestosis and iron-deficiency anemia. The control group included 30 pregnant women with physiological course of pregnancy. The average age of pregnant women was 29,2±1.2 years. All of the surveyed women belonged to the group with low social standard of living. Preeclampsia moderate severity in conjunction with IDA severe degree was observed in 18 (20%) pregnant women, in combination with IDA, mid-degree in 27 (33%), against IDA mild at 45 (50%) patients. The degree of severity of preeclampsia was evaluated on a scale GOEK taking into account the duration of the preeclampsia, the severity of the underlying diseases and the extent of functional disorders of fetoplacental blood flow according to doplerometriya. The severity of the anemia was assessed according to who classification (1993). Results. In women suffering from preeclampsia in combination with IDA, there was a significant activation of peroxidation of lipids. Total antioxidant activity was reduced and accounted for 81.4±1,03%. The content of vitamin C in blood serum amounted to 0.34±0.002 mg%, vitamin E – of 1.23±0.2 mg/100 ml. Vitamin E mechanism of action refers to the «traps» free radicals, or to the true antioxidants, which destroy free radicals and terminate the growth of chains. The antioxidant action of vitamin C is manifested by restoration of oxidized alpha-tocopherol and a decrease in the formation of free radicals. The content of ascorbic acid in biological fluids is dramatically reduced when States, which are characterized by activation of lipid peroxidation and increase in free iron ions. In the study of blood patients with preeclampsia and IDA were revealed activation of free radical oxidation. Therefore, an indicator of the effectiveness of the therapy was to reduce products of lipid peroxidation, increasing the content of vitamin C and E, which have antiradical activity. The data obtained indicate stabilization of the antioxidant system and antioxidant defense system in pregnant women with preeclampsia in combination with IDA. A normalizing effect of vitamin E, A, C on the antioxidant defense system due to the versatility of the points of application of the action of antioxidants, i. e., cell membranes, and also free-circulating immune competent cells. Conclusions. Preeclampsia and anemia inter burden the course of gestation and significantly worsen the outcome for both the mother and the fetus. In the pathogenesis of preeclampsia and anemia have a lot in common, in particular the activation of processes of lipid peroxidation and reduced antioxidant activity of blood serum.


Ключові слова

гестоз, залізодефіцитна анемія, перекисне окислення ліпідів, вітаміни С і Е, гестоз, железодефицитная анемия, перекисное окисление липидов, витамины С и Е, pregnant women, gestosis, anemia, lipid peroxidation

Бібліографічний опис

Бабаева А. Х. Перекисное окисление липидов и антиоксидантная защита в сыворотке крови у беременных с гестозом и железодефицитной анемией / А. Х. Бабаева // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2017. – Вип. 2 (136).– С. 80–82.