Непосредственная имплантация в инфицированные лунки удаленных зубов

dc.contributor.authorЧертов, Сергей Александрович
dc.contributor.authorChertov, S. A.
dc.description.abstractБезпосереднє заміщення зуба імплантатом запобігає розвитку атрофії лунки, поєднує дві хірургічні операції в одну, що значною мірою скорочує період реабілітації пацієнта і сприяє функціональному й естетичному результатам лікування. З метою підвищення ефективності застосування внутрішньокісткових гвинтових імплантатів при періодонтитах і генералізованому пародонтиті 212 пацієнтам установлено 721 імплантат безпосередньо після видалення зуба в умовах «хронічної інфекції». Оцінювали якість інтеграції імплантата за допомогою діагностичного пристрою «Periotest» і рентгенологічних методів. Виявлено, що успіх бузпосередньої імплантації в так звані «інфіковані лунки» становить 93%. Отже, вищевказані захворювання не можна вважати протипоказаннями до проведення безпосередньої імплантації; Непосредственное замещение зуба имплантатом препятствует развитию атрофии лунки, совмещает две хирургические операции в одну, что в значительной степени сокращает период реабилитации пациента и благоприятно сказывается на функциональном и эстетическом результатах лечения. С целью повышения эффективности применения внутрикостных винтовых имплантатов при периодонтитах и генерализованном пародонтите 212 пациентам установлено 721 имплантат непосредственно после удаления зуба в условиях «хронической инфекции». Оценивали качество интеграции имплантата с помощью диагностического прибора «Periotest» и рентгенологических методов. Выявлено, что успешность непосредственной имплантации в так называемые «инфицированные лунки» составила 93%, Это свидетельствует о том, что вышеуказанные заболевания не могут считаться противопоказанием к проведению непосредственной имплантации; actual thanks to minimal tissue trauma and shortening of patient rehabilitation time. However, little researches are carried out on the problems of immediate implantation of teeth into infected alveolar sockets containing multiple parodontal pathogenic micro organisms in alveolar bone defects. The objective of this study is to improve the efficiency of patients rehabilitation with intraosseous implants in the course of immediate implantation under condition of persistent infection in the alveolar bone, inflammatory process of a single tooth (periodontitis) and generalized periodontitis of severe degree. Materials and methods of study This research includes the clinical observations of 212 patients from 2007 to 2014. During this period 721 implants of ImpLife system (INPRIDE, Ukraine) were placed using method of immediate implantation. All the patients were divided into two groups. The first group comprised 116 patients for evaluation of implants immediate placement into extraction site after granulating periodontitis and granulomatous periodontitis. The second group comprised 96 patients having generalized periodontitis of severe degree. The degree of implants integration and condition of alveolar bone was evaluated using radiological data (orthopantomograms and computed tomography). The degree of implants stability was assessed using Periotest (Siemens) equipment in different periods after implantation. Patient's subjective evaluation of the implant condition (comfort or discomfort) was taken into consideration.Results and their discussion One-stage implantation procedure was applied in 144 patients (68%): 162 implants were placed in the first group (42%), and 328 implants (58%) were placed in the second group (it is 45,5% of total number of implants). Two-stage implantation procedure was applied in 68 patients and 231 implants were placed. Two-stage procedure of implantation was applied for the first group of 52 patients and 163 implants were placed (22.6% of total number of implants); 68 implants were placed in the second group of 16 patients (9.4% of total number). The treatment of 179 patients was accomplished in accordance with the treatment plan. The plan of prosthetic rehabilitation was partially changed for 33 patients (15,6%) due to failure of implant integration after surgery. Additional surgery (reimplantation) was applied for 28 patients and it was successful for 26 patients. And the treatment plan was completely changed for 5 patients due to their refuse of additional surgery. Out of 721 dental implants - 12 implants (1.66%) were extracted due to inflammatory complications; 36 ( 4,99%) of implants were extracted due to pure integration at the moment of prosthetic work. The failure rate for immediate implantation was 6.65% out of 48 of extracted implants. In 5 cases (8implants) reimplantation procedure was not applied due to refuse of patients of recurrent surgery. And 40 of extracted implants were replaced after 1 or 2 months and reimplantation was successful in 92.55 of cases. In the first observation group 29 out of 325 implants were lost out by the time of permanent prosthodontics and 21 of them were placed according to one-stage procedure and 11 of them – according to two-stage procedure. Successful implantation was achieved in 91% of cases. In the second observation group 19 of 396 implants were lost before permanent prosthodontics (all the implants were placed according to one-stage procedure). The successful result was obtained in 95.2% of cases. 591(82%) of total number of implants were placed into fresh sockets of single-rooted teeth. Failed implantation was in 25 cases. 95.78% of implantations were successful. The rest 130 (18%) of implants were placed into fresh sockets of molars of maxilla and mandible. The successful rate was 82, 3%. Among 23 cases of failed implantations 20 implants were placed into molar sockets of maxilla. Thereby the success of immediate implantation into infected sockets rated to 93.34% that significantly differs from generally accepted criteria for successful implantation under the standard conditions.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationЧертов С. А. Непосредственная имплантация в инфицированные лунки удаленных зубов / С. А. Чертов // Український стоматологічний альманах. – 2016. – № 1, т. 2. – С. 54–59.uk_UA
dc.identifier.otherУДК 616.314-089.843
dc.publisherУкраїнська медична стоматологічна академіяuk_UA
dc.subjectбезпосередня імплантаціяuk_UA
dc.subjectінфіковані лункиuk_UA
dc.subjectгенералізований пародонтитuk_UA
dc.subjectдентальний імплантатuk_UA
dc.subjectнепосредственная имплантацияuk_UA
dc.subjectинфицирование лункиuk_UA
dc.subjectгенерализованный пародонтитuk_UA
dc.subjectдентальный имплантатuk_UA
dc.subjectimmediate implantationuk_UA
dc.subjectinfection of the alveolar socketuk_UA
dc.subjectgeneralized periodontitisuk_UA
dc.subjectdental implantuk_UA
dc.titleНепосредственная имплантация в инфицированные лунки удаленных зубовuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeImmediate implantation into infected alveolar socket after tooth extractionuk_UA


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