Методологічні підходи та особливості проведення семінарських занять з дисципліни «Етика і деонтологія у фармації» на фармацевтичному факультеті

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Українська медична стоматологічна академія


У статті наведені дані про методологічні підходи проведення семінарських занять з дисципліни «Етика і деонтологія у фармації» в рамках кредитно-модульної системи. Наводиться план та етапність підготовки до заняття, участь викладача у цьому процесі, методи активізації мислення студентів, сприйняття та осмислення завдань, активні форми навчання, які сприяють максимальному засвоєнню матеріалу. Подано етапність проведення заняття, форму оцінювання знань та вмінь студентів з урахуванням організаційної структури, що діє в умовах кредитно-модульної системи. Дана форма занять сприяє інтелектуальному розвитку студентів, стимулює у них пізнавальну активність, формує науковий світогляд, систему методів і прийомів пошуку істини та вчить культурі спілкування; В статье приведены данные о методологических подходах к проведению семинарских занятий по дисциплине «Этика и деонтология в фармации» в рамках кредитно-модульной системы. Приводится план и этапность подготовки к занятию, участие преподавателя в этом процессе, методы активизации мышления студентов, восприятия и осмысления заданий, активные формы обучения, которые способствуют максимальному усвоению материала. Подано этапность проведения занятия, форму оценивания знаний и умений студентов с учетом организационной структуры, действующей в условиях кредитно-модульной системы. Данная форма занятий способствует интеллектуальному развитию студентов, стимулирует в них познавательную активность, формирует научное мировоззрение, систему методов и приемов поиска истины и учит культуре общения; The article presents data on methodological approaches of seminars on the subject «Ethics and deontology in pharmacy» as part of credit-modular system. An phasing plan and prepare for class, the teacher involved in the process, methods of activating students thinking, perception and comprehension tasks, active learning, which promote maximum learning. Posted stages of employment, forms of assessment of knowledge and skills of students based organizational structure that acts as a credit-modular system. This form of employment promotes the intellectual development of students, stimulate their cognitive activity, forms the scientific worldview, a system of methods and techniques of searching for truth and teach the culture of communication. The purpose of the work — formation of cognitive activity, learning new methods of training to quality learning at seminars in students of 1st year of the Pharmaceutical Faculty. Object and methods. The study of ethics and deontology in pharmacy and is held at the I course of the Pharmaceutical Faculty. According to the program are trained pharmaceutical ethics in relation to the patient’s, physician, colleagues. Students also learn the principles of business ethics, guidelines for formation of steady moral status, principles of management, which will function effectively in the market. Important is knowledge on using ethical criteria for promotion of drugs on the market, since the work in the pharmacy is commercial in nature, but in the center of activity pharmacist should be no profit and the interests of the patient (client). The technology of preparation and holding of seminars involves a sequence of teachers and students, which includes two stages. I. Preparatory phase: 1. Board seminar topics (according to the thematic plan) formulation of its goals, objectives, basic and advanced questions. 2. Distribution cognitive tasks between students. 3. Recommendations on selection of basic information materials. 4. Conducting group and individual consultations. II. The main stage (in class): 1. Topic, goals, objectives classes. 2. Motivation training activities. 3. Hearing reports, papers, essays, presentations prepared by students. 4. Discussion, analysis of speeches and reports, organizing discussion of adjustments within the proposed theme. 5. The structural analysis of all speeches and responses, stimulation activity of students. 6. Holding results. During the classes the students can put some specific problematic issues that require independent thinking that will help more deeply understand the topic as a whole. Problem late workshop encourages a deeper understanding of the material contributes to its best consolidation, allows you to check the degree of mastering topics discussed. By active learning that facilitate the absorption of up to 70% of the material include role-playing, which are used in solving situational problems built on real facts on practice pharmacists and doctors. The purpose of role-playing games is to help students to study their feelings, thoughts and actions in a free supportive environment. Role play can provide a wealth of material for discussion. Each student has the opportunity to express their opinion without fear of censure or skepticism should play a situation suitable for all of this means. Teacher directs discussion, and engages her students all controls debates listens to arguments for «against» focuses on the principles of medical ethics. In studying this discipline students must: 1. To learn the basic concepts of ethical pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical ethics, morals category. 2. Use the findings of WHO material about the role of pharmacists, pharmacists ethical Code of Ukraine in their careers. 3. Combine GPP principles with the basic requirements of ethics and deontology in pharmacy. 4. Determine the rules of communication with colleagues, patients, physician. 5. To learn the basics of professional communication algorithms communication with consumers medicine. 6. Consider the areas of motivation in activities pharmacist. 7. Illustrate examples of content WHO criteria to promote the medicine on the market. 8. Treat the key issues of advertising drugs. 9. Make a conclusion about the importance of bioethics as a modern direction of medicine and pharmacy. 10. Analyze examples (events that occur in practice) proper and improper performance of professional duties pharmacist. Current control is carried out on each class according to the specific objectives for each topic. In evaluating the learning activities of students standardized control methods: tests bank, structured written work, a structured procedure for the control of practical skills — modeling specific problems and ways to solve it. Final module control study carried out on completion of the module. Before final control students who have completed all work provided the curriculum and the study module scored the number of points not less than the minimum (56 points). The form of the final control are standardized and include control of theoretical and practical training. The following forms of control: 1) control of theoretical knowledge — tests (40 tests) from a database (maximum score 40, minimum — 30). 2) control of practical skills — solving two problems situational or psychological situations modeling 2 (maximum score 10, minimum — 4); 3) oral answers to questions 2 theoretical questions according to the module (maximum of 30 points, minimum — 16). The maximum number of points at the module — 200, including the current educational activity — 120 points, according to the final module control — 80 points.


Ключові слова

семінар, фармація, кредитно-модульна система, семинар, фармация, кредитно-модульная система, seminar, pharmacy, credit-modular system

Бібліографічний опис

Методологічні підходи та особливості проведення семінарських занять з дисципліни «Етика і деонтологія у фармації» на фармацевтичному факультеті / І. Г. Купновицька, Н. В. Губіна, Р. І. Белегай [та ін.] // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2017. – Вип. 2 (136). – С. 217–221.