Двохрічний досвід профілактики карієсу тимчасових зубів у дітей дошкільного віку

dc.contributor.authorЧерепюк, О. М.
dc.contributor.authorЧерепюк, Е. Н.
dc.contributor.authorCherepiuk, E. N.
dc.description.abstractУ статті представлені дані щодо ефективності впровадженого лікувально-профілактичного комплексу при каріозному процесі в дітей, що складався з навчання батьків та дітей правилам гігієнічного догляду за ротовою порожниною та професійної гігієни, проведених «Уроків здоров’я», покриття зубів препаратами «Глуфторед» і «Bifiuorid-12», застосування для чищення зубів зубних паст з високим рівнем амінофторидів «AMIFLUOR» та «MINERALIN Kids», герметизації фісур із використанням герметика «Fissurit FX» та призначення ендогенно препарату «Імуноріс». Як показують результати дослідження в групі дітей, де було впроваджено даний комплекс профілактичних заходів, спостерігається суттєве зниження приросту інтенсивності карієсу та покращення гігієни порожнини рота; В статье представлены данные об эффективности внедренного лечебно-профилактического комплекса при кариозном процессе у детей, состоящего из обучения родителей и детей правилам гигиенического ухода за полостью рта и профессиональной гигиены, проведенных «Уроков здоровья», покрытие зубов препаратами «Глуфторед» и «Bifiuorid-12», применение для чистки зубов зубных паст с высоким уровнем аминофторидт «AMIFLUOR» и «MINERALIN Kids», герметизации фиссур с использованием герметика «Fissurit FX» и назначения эндогенно препарата «Имунорис». Как показывают результаты исследования в группе детей, где был введен данный комплекс профилактических мероприятий, отмечается существенное снижение прироста интенсивности кариеса и улучшения гигиены полости рта; Among the different population groups in different regions of the world the prevalence of caries among children ranges from 1 to 70% and above, even in highly developed countries. This is confirmed by research data of Jackson Brown L. conducted in children from USA ages from 2 to 6 years that indicate insufficient volume of preventive measures. This problem also applies to Ukraine. For example, in the central regions of Ukraine caries prevalence is 48% with intensity of carious lesions 1,09-2,5 points, while in Western Ukraine spread rate — 97%, and the intensity of carious lesion is 7.1 points. Because of this the tooth decay is a big social problem of health care in the world. It should be noted that despite the numerous research of caries in primary teeth in children, this pathological process is one of the major problem, especially in children of preschool age, due to a diversity of etiological and pathogenetic factors. That led us to the develop of health-care complex and its testing among preschool children of 3 years of age in the sity of Ivano-Frankivsk. Thus, the aim of our study was to evaluate the quality of the implemented health-care complex in preschool children. To fulfill the purpose of the work we have conducted monitoring of 200 children in the age of 3 years. Under the applicable health-care complex (HCC), all the children were divided into 2 groups, main group — 120 children and a control group — 80 children. In the main group preventive measures included a number of provisions such as: training of parents and children the rules of oral hygiene and professional oral hygiene; «Lesson of Health»; coating of dental hard tissues by «Hluftored» medicine for deep fluoridation («VladMyva», Russia); for children with high and very high intensity of caries we have prescribed a toothpaste with high content of aminofluorides — 500 ppm «AMIFLUOR» («R.O.C.S», Russia); for children with middle- and low-intensity of caries we have recommended a toothpaste «MINERALIN Kids» («R.O.C.S», Russia, with a total content of aminofluorides — 250 ppm); the fissure sealing was conducted for all children by using a sealant «Fissurit FX» («VOCO») and fluoride varnish «Bifiuorid-12» («VOCO»); once a year medicine for deep fluoridation has be applied «Hluftored» («VladMyva», Russia). Children with high and very high intensity of caries we have prescribe endogenously «Imunoris» («Doppel Farmaceutici S.r.l.», Italy). In control group of children the education of oral hygiene was conducted, fluoride containing tooth pastes were recommended, and fluoride containing warmish were applied on hard tissues of the «Belak-F» («VladMyva», Russia). In all groups of children the treatment of tooth decay were conducted according to protocols of dental care for children on a specialty «therapeutic dentistry». Filling of carious cavities were conducted by using of glass-ionomer cement «FUJI ІX GP» (made by «GC», Japan). Evaluating efficiency of the health care complex were conducted on objective indicators of the intensity of caries leasion: index df was evaluated, the levels of intensity and increase of intensity of caries process before and after health care complex. We have determined the state of oral hygiene before and after health care complex and defined caries preventive effect after implementation of preventive measures. According to our data in children of the main group before the study the intensity of caries were not significantly different from the intensity of the control group (p>0.05). However, two years after the study began, we found a significant increase (1.1 times) the intensity of caries in children in the control group, compared to the main group with implementation of health care complex(HCC) (p<0.05). In children of the main group with high, medium and low intensity of the caries process revealed a slight increase of caries intensity of caries after 1 year and 2 years after implementation of HCC, compared to the values obtained before conducting of treatment and preventive measures (p>0.05). The children from main group with different levels of caries intensity has minimum growth of caries intensity 2 years after implementation of HCC compared to data before implementation of it. Efficiency level of health care complex is very high 2 years after its implementation in children from main group with high, medium and low level of cries intensity. Along with this, very low level of hygiene knowledge and skills in children of the main group was increased through «Lessons of health» in preschool institutions. We have obtained sufficiently high efficiency of this method of prophylaxis. So, 2 years after the implementation of health care complex among children of the main group, with different levels of caries intensity, we have tendency of decline for oral hygiene indicator compared to initial value, and the state of oral hygiene generally rated as «good» (p<0.001). Thus, these data research can be the basis for developing of practical recommendations on implementation and standardization of methods for caries prophylaxis of primary teeth in children of preschool age.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationЧерепюк О. М. Двохрічний досвід профілактики карієсу тимчасових зубів у дітей дошкільного віку / О. М. Черепюк // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2017. – Вип. 1 (135).– С. 383–390.uk_UA
dc.identifier.otherУДК 618-084 + 616.314-002 + 613.954
dc.publisherУкраїнська медична стоматологічна академіяuk_UA
dc.subjectтимчасові зубиuk_UA
dc.subjectприріст інтенсивності карієсуuk_UA
dc.subjectредукція приросту інтенсивності карієсуuk_UA
dc.subjectвременные зубыuk_UA
dc.subjectприрост интенсивности кариесаuk_UA
dc.subjectредукция прироста интенсивности кариесаuk_UA
dc.subjectthe reduction of caries increment intensityuk_UA
dc.subjectprimary teethuk_UA
dc.subjectdental cariesuk_UA
dc.subjectdental caries intensity increaseuk_UA
dc.titleДвохрічний досвід профілактики карієсу тимчасових зубів у дітей дошкільного вікуuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeДвухлетний опыт профилактики кариеса временных зубов у детей дошкольного возрастаuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeTwo-year experience of caries prophylaxis of primary teeth in children of preschool ageuk_UA


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