Регенераторний потенціал кісткової тканини у хворих на генералізований пародонтит II, II-III ст. та аналіз його значення при проведенні хірургічних втручань на пародонті

dc.contributor.authorБілоклицька, Галина Федорівна
dc.contributor.authorПанченко, Леся Михайлівна
dc.contributor.authorБраун, Юлія Євгеніївна
dc.contributor.authorBiloklytska, G. F.
dc.contributor.authorPanchenko, L. M.
dc.contributor.authorBraun, Iu. E.
dc.description.abstractПроведення хірургічної фази в комплексному лікуванні генералізованого пародонтиту II, II-III ступеня необхідно виконувати з урахуванням регенераторного потенціалу кісткової тканини, що забезпечить правильний вибір методики хірургічного втручання як на етапі клаптевої операції, так і при підготовці до імплантації; Хирургическую фазу в комплексном лечении генерализованного пародонтита II, II-III степени необходимо проводить с учетом регенераторного потенциала костной ткани, что обеспечит правильный выбор методики хирургического вмешательства как на этапе лоскутной операции, так и при подготовке к имплантации; The contemporary surgical approaches for operations on periodontal tissues have been considerably modified [5,12,15,16], became to be less invasive [5,15] and mainly aimed to provide regeneration of periodontal tissues simultaneously preventing the tissues relief [7,11,13,15,16]. However, generalized periodontitis (GP) still becomes to be the most widespread pathology of periodontal tissues which can be seen amoung working category of citizens [3-5,12,15,16]. Having big choice of modern devices and treatment protocols, the problem of effective treatment of GP appears until present times as unsolved [8,12,14,16]. GP characterized by its chonic course that can be followed by progressive periodontal tissue distraction and their loss [3,4,15,16]. During this process such significant structures as: alveolar bone, periodontal ligament and root cement, whose are characterized [3,4,7,10,12,13-16] by very slow reparation, need very longtime terms for regeneration that depends on condition of neighboring tissues of periodontal wound [3,4,12-16]. The complicity of periodontal tissues structure and their anatomical connections during functioning determine the main problems in reaching aimed regeneration using modern methods [3,4,10,11,13-16]. Using of modern types of surgical incisions, the protection of marginal soft periodontal tissues [5,15] can be accepted and due to sanation of existing periodontal lesion with manual currets and ultrasonic devices [5,12,15,16] the possibility to protect the marginal alveolar bone margin in area of periodontal pocket (PP) can be reached. Using such approach we can abandon from drilling of marginal bone PP walls [5,12,15] as it was established in previous surgical approaches. The maximal protection of marginal bone level in area of PP is the guarantee for better fixation and stabilization of blood clot in wound and bone substitute materials, postoperative longterm wound stability and also minization of recessions and unsuficient aestetic results after surgical procedure [5,11,15,16]. The condition of bone tissue and it`s regenerative potential in area of existing periodontal defect [1,3,4,5,8,11,13,14] may play crucial role in time of surgical interventions in patients with GP during surgical phase of complex periodontal therapy and preoperative prepartion stage of such patients to implants. Taking into consideration the stated details the modern surgical treatment of GP aims to provide development of enhanced treatment protocol concerning bone tissue preparation in area of PP with support or stimulation of regenerative potential in area of infected periodontal wound. The knowledge of stated details promotes clinically based usage of special devices and surgical approaches for maximal bone sanation in area of PP and protection of marginal bone of periodontal defect. The main aim of presented study was to investigate the regenerative potential of bone tissue in area of periodontal defect in patients with GP of II, II-III stage. For this in patients with GP stage II, II-III the cancellous alveolar bone was taken during surgical procedure on periodontal tissues according to MIST (Cortellini P., Tonetti M., 2007, 2009) from bony walls and bottom of bone PP. The date was comparwd with healthy patients who had indication for tooth extraction according to orthodontic or prosthodontic indications. The further investigation with vital osteogenous stromal cells was provided in vitro according to methodic of O.Y. Fridenstein (1973) in modification of Astachova V.S. (1982) [1,2,9]. The vital osteogenous cells – stromal fibroblasts were collected from patient and put into sterile box with nourishing solution “199”. According to the presented study the collected vital cells were immediately transferred to laboratory passing the preparation stages. The bone osteogenous progenitor cells are characterized by ability to multiply making colonies under influence of special conditions and presence of feeding serum prepared from mortaly irradiated cells of rabbit bone marrow. If the new built cell line from one osteogenous progenitor cell consists of more than 50 cells it can be called as colony. If the amount of cells is less than 50 cells it can be called as cluster [1,2]. The presence of GP may change the quality of bone in area of lesion that can influence on cells activity reducing their ability to multiply. This can lead to reduction of bone regenerative potential in area of PP. The presented results can be useful in development of new surgical approach working in area of PP providing deep precise sanation and stimulation of bone tissue. These can be crucial for treatment of patients with GP in aim to reduce toothloss and provide long term stability of clinical results.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationБілоклицька Г. Ф. Регенераторний потенціал кісткової тканини у хворих на генералізований пародонтит II, II-III ст. та аналіз його значення при проведенні хірургічних втручань на пародонті / Г. Ф. Білоклицька, Л. М. Панченко, Ю. Є. Браун // Український стоматологічний альманах. – 2016. – № 1, т. 1. – С. 29–32.uk_UA
dc.identifier.otherУДК: 616.314.17-008.1-031.81-089:616-081.41-003.93
dc.publisherУкраїнська медична стоматологічна академіяuk_UA
dc.subjectгенералізований пародонтитuk_UA
dc.subjectрегенераторний потенціалuk_UA
dc.subjectкісткова тканинаuk_UA
dc.subjectпародонтальна кишеняuk_UA
dc.subjectостеогенні клітини-попередники кісткового мозку людиниuk_UA
dc.subjectгенерализованный пародонтитuk_UA
dc.subjectрегенераторный потенциалuk_UA
dc.subjectкостная тканьuk_UA
dc.subjectпародонтальный карманuk_UA
dc.subjectостеогенные клетки-предшественники костного мозга человекаuk_UA
dc.subjectgeneralized periodontitisuk_UA
dc.subjectregenerative potentialuk_UA
dc.subjectbone tissueuk_UA
dc.subjectperiodontal pocketuk_UA
dc.subjectosteogenous progenitor cells of human bone marrowuk_UA
dc.titleРегенераторний потенціал кісткової тканини у хворих на генералізований пародонтит II, II-III ст. та аналіз його значення при проведенні хірургічних втручань на пародонтіuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe regenerative potential of bone tissue in patients with generalized periodontitis stage II, II-III and analysis of it`s role during surgical operations on periodontal tissuesuk_UA


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