Кафедра пропедевтики внутрішньої медицини
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Документ Influence of betargin and quercetin on indicators of chronic systemic inflammation in patients with coronary heart disease concurrent with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(2019) Kazakov, Yu.; Manucha, Yu.; Hliebov, V.; Boriak, V.; Sakevych, V.; Казаков, Юрій Михайлович; Мануша, Юлія Іванівна; Сакевич, Вікторія Дмитрівна; Боряк, Віктор ПетровичIntroduction. Comorbidity is one of the major issues of modern medicine, characterized by masking of pathological conditions, aggravated course and unfavorable prognosisДокумент The state of lipid metabolism, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defense in patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis with hypertrophy and atrophy of the myocardium(2018) Boriak, V.; Боряк, Віктор ПетровичMaterials and methods. To solve the abovementioned tasks, we examined 62 patients of both sexes with COB and HF, stage I-II. Each of them had at least 2 risk factors for COB (smoking, dustiness of the workplace, frequent colds, family history). Determination of nosological form of COB was carried out in accordance with the WHO criteria. The stage of circulatory failure was assessed in accordance with the classification by N.D. Strazhesko and V.Kh. Vasilenko. The diagnosis of COB was made on the basis of anamnestic, clinical and biochemical, instrumental data obtained by examining patients.Документ Влияние лазаротерапии на показатели кажущейся вязкости крови при лечении больных хронической обструктивной болезнью легких (ХОБЛ) в сочетании с метаболическим синдромом(Вищий державний навчальний заклад України «Українська медична стоматологічна академія», 2017) Боряк, Виктор Петрович; Боряк, Віктор Петрович; Boriak, V.Исследовано изменение мнимой вязкости крови у 26 больных хроническими обструктивными заболеваниями легких (ХОБЛ) в сочетании с метаболическим синдромом при лечении надсосудистым лазерным облучением крови (НЛОК). Выявлено достоверное снижение мнимой вязкости крови у этих больных на средних и больших скоростях сдвига при лечении НЛОК; Досліджено зміну уявної в'язкості крові у 26 хворих хронічними обструктивними захворюваннями легень (ХОЗЛ) в поєднанні з метаболічним синдромом при лікуванні надсудинним лазерним опромінюванням крові (НЛОК). Виявлено достовірне зниження уявної в'язкості крові у цих хворих на середніх та великих швидкостях зсуву при лікуванні НЛОК; The change in the apparent viscosity of blood in 26 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in combination with the metabolic syndrome in the treatment of superovascular laser irradiation of blood (NLOK) was studied. The course of the NLOK of COPD patients with metabolic syndrome was 10 sessions every other day. Irradiation was performed on a 30-mW qubital vein with an exposure time of 30 min and a wavelength of 63.2 nm. A significant decrease in the apparent viscosity of blood was revealed in patients at high and medium shear rates. In our opinion, a positive effect on the rheology of blood in patients with COPD in combination with the metabolic syndrome in NLOK is achieved by the ability to enhance fibrinolytic activity of the blood, increase the plasma recalcification time, coagulation time, reduce plasma tolerance to heparin, and fibrinogen concentration. In this our studies are confirmed in observations. It should be noted that the infrared effect of laser radiation leads to the ionization of enzyme molecules, which leads to a change in the activity of the enzymatic groups. A combination of such factors as a decrease in the binding of erythrocyte cholesterol membranes due to its reduction in treatment, an increase in blood phospholipids that are effectors or cofactors of the metabolic activity of membrane-bound enzymes, a certain activation of the oxidation of lipids and aminoacids under the influence of the laser, leading to a substantial reorganization of the structure of the membranes themselves, in our view activates and stabilizes the constancy of the potential difference of electric charges in the structure of living tissue. We believe that the regulating and stabilizing effect of the laser load leads to a normalization of the "breakdown potential" of erythrocyte membranes, whose barrier function depends mainly on the state of the lipid layer and the pro-antioxidant processes occurring on their surface. Reducing the viscosity of blood, along with the actual vasodilating effect of laser radiation, reduces the overall resistance to peripheral blood flow (including in the lungs), increases the minute volume of blood, without altering the cardiac muscle power, thus eliminating the signs of heart failure.