Кафедра нервових хвороб
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Документ The Degree of Pineal Gland Calcification in the Aged People is Associated with Changes in the Internal Structure(Ectodermal Dysplasia Group Turkey, 2021-07) Starchenko, Ivan I.; Grinko, Ruslana M.; Shkodina, Anastasiia D.; Filenko, Borys M.; Vynnyk, Nataliia I.; Roiko, Nataliia V.; Proskurnya, Serhiy A.; Sovhyria, Svitlana M.; Cherniak, Valentyna V.; Babenko, Victoriia I.; Старченко, Іван Іванович; Грінько, Руслана Миколаївна; Шкодіна, Анастасія Дмитрівна; Филенко, Борис Миколайович; Винник, Наталія Іванівна; Ройко, Наталія Віталіївна; Проскурня, Сергій Анатолійович; Совгиря, Світлана Миколаївна; Черняк, Валентина Володимирівна; Бабенко, Вікторія ІгорівнаThe question of the staged accumulation of brain sand in different parts of the pineal gland and the associated changes in cell composition and blood vessels in the elderly and senile people is not definitively studied. Our pilot study included 16 samples of the human pineal glands of the elderly and senile that were divided according to the degree of calcification into 2 groups. In order to objectify the data obtained on micropreparations in each group the morphometric parameters were determined. The degree of calcification of the pineal gland in the elderly and senile is associated with the topography of the inclusions of the brain sand and changes in blood vessels. Increased degree of calcification is accompanied by changes in internal structure of pineal gland which indicate involutional processes.