Кафедра фізичної та реабілітаційної медицини
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Перегляд Кафедра фізичної та реабілітаційної медицини за Автор "Bobyrova, L. E."
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Документ Correction of movement stereotype in patients with spastic forms of cerebral palsy(Polish Academy of Sciences, 2014) Strashko, Ye. Yu.; Bobyrova, L. E.; Kapustianska, A. A.; Yushkovska, O. G.; Fedorovych, L. O.; Страшко, Євген Юрійович; Бобирьова, Людмила Єгорівна; Капустянська, Анна Анатоліївна; Юшковська, Ольга Геннадіївна; Федорович, Людмила Олександрівна; Страшко, Евгений Юрьевич; Бобырева, Людмила Егоровна; Капустянская, Анна АнатольевнаIn this article, the author proposed a rehabilitation program, which includes the impact on the body of patients with cerebral palsy throughout the bio muscle kinematic chain, taking into account the construction of the spiral body muscles during rehabilitation procedures.Документ Experience of using hippotherapy in complex effects on muscle spirals in children with spastic forms of cerebral palsy("Wiadomosci Lekarkie", 2016) Strashko, Ye. Yu.; Kapustianska, A. A.; Bobyrova, L. E.; Страшко, Євген Юрійович; Капустянська, Анна Анатоліївна; Бобирьова, Людмила Єгорівна; Страшко, Евгений Юрьевич; Бобырева, Людмила Егоровна; Капустянская, Анна АнатольевнаMatters of physical and medical rehabilitation of children with organic lesions of the nervous system, in particular, with cerebral palsy, are actual in countries around the world. Hippotherapy is neurophysiologically oriented therapy using horses. Determine whether a combination of hippotherapy as a method of rehabilitation in the aftermath of outpatient comprehensive impact on MS on a stationary phase; Study of the effect of hippotherapy as securing and preparation method for learning new postures and movements in children with spastic cerebral palsy forms; The study of the possible optimization of psychophysical state, activation motivations of patients; Determination of the optimal timing of hippotherapy sessions, the number of procedures, the study of possible fatigue factor children. HT classes were conducted at the Ippotsentra "Wind of Change" in the period 2010-2013 the main group of children surveyed (36 people) with spastic forms of cerebral palsy. HT procedure took place twice a day - morning and evening - 30 minutes during 10-12 days. Thus, the proposed integration of the HT program of complex effects on muscle spirals children with spastic cerebral palsy forms is physiologically and anthropologically based on 4-5 day training children adequately transferred the full amount of lessons learned new postures and movements, HT does not cause complications in the somatic and psycho-emotional state of the children, HT enables sensorimotor and psychomotor effects, save and normalize muscle tone for a longer period (up to three months), compared with traditional methods of physiotherapy. HT can serve as a method of learning a new "postures and movements", the preparation of the locomotor apparatus to learn walking.