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Документ The Key Benefits of Applying the “Fishbowl” Model in Medical Education(2021-11-25) Lysanets, Yu. V.; Bieliaieva, O. M.; Morokhovets, H. Yu.; Ostrovska, L. Y.; Purdenko, T. Y.; Лисанець, Юлія Валеріївна; Бєляєва, Олена Миколаївна; Мороховець, Галина Юріївна; Островська, Людмила Йосипівна; Пурденко, Тетяна Йосипівна; Лисанец, Юлия Валериевна; Беляева, Елена Николаевна; Мороховец, Галина Юрьевна; Островская, Людмила Иосифовна; Пурденко, Татьяна ИосифовнаThe article examines the methodological potential of the fishbowl model in the process of training specialists in the field of knowledge 22 "Healthcare". The author outline the leading methodological algorithms of its introduction in higher education. The expediency of applying the fishbowl model at institutions of higher medical education has been substantiated. The research may be of interest to teachers of medical universities, as well as specialists from other professional fields in the process of planning classroom activities and developing teaching materials.