Кафедра хімії та фармації
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Налаштування сортування
Документ Activation of antioxidant defenses in whole saliva by psychosocial stress Is more manifested in young women than in young men(PLoS ONE, 2014-12) Tsuber, V.; Kadamov, Y.; Tarasenko, L.; Цубер, Вікторія Юріївна; Тарасенко, Лідія МусіївнаPsychosocial stress has been long known to have deleterious effects on health. Nevertheless, an exposure to moderate stressors enhances resilience and promotes health benefits. Male and female organisms differ in many aspects of health and disease. The aim of this study was to investigate antioxidant activity and oxidative damage in saliva in a psychosocial stress paradigm in men and women. Here, we show that an acute stressor of moderate strength augments antioxidant activity and decreases oxidative damage in whole saliva of young people. An examination stress caused a significant increase of catalase activity, accompanied by a decrease of levels of oxidized proteins. Levels of thiobarbituric acid-reacting substances did not increase at stress, indicating that lipid peroxidation was not activated. The stress-induced alterations were more manifested in young women compared to young men. Thus, antioxidant protective mechanisms are more activated by a moderate stressor in young women than in young men.Документ Clusteroluminogenic polymers: applications in biology and medicine (Review Article)(American Institute of Physics, 2024) Sakhno, Tamara; Ivashchenko, Dmytro; Semenov, Anatolii; Ivashchenko, Olena; Sakhno, Yuriy; Сахно, Тамара Вікторівна; Іващенко, Дмитро Миколайович; Семенов, Анатолій Олексійович; Іващенко, Олена Дмитрівна; Сахно, ЮрійThe current state of research on unconventional luminescence of nonconjugated polymers, which arises as a result of spatial conjugation due to the overlapping of electronic orbitals of atoms in aggregates formed at high concentrations of substances in solutions or in the solid state, is considered. The manifold applications of clusteroluminogenic polymers in the realms of biology and medicine take center stage. This includes the utilization of clusteroluminescence for monitoring and visualizing dynamic reactions, exploring pathways in biomedical research and targeted drug delivery, facilitating real-time monitoring, as well as imaging and tracking. The emphasis is placed on their pivotal role in combination therapy and theranostics.Документ Combined action of antimycotics and essential oils on the reference candida strain in vitro(2022) Bobrova, N. O.; Ananieva, M. M.; Vazhnichaya, E. M.; Vlasenko, N. O.; Deviatkina, N. M.; Боброва, Нелля Олександрівна; Ананьєва, Майя Миколаївна; Важнича, Олена Митрофанівна; Власенко, Наталія Олександрівна; Дев'яткіна, Тетяна ОлексіївнаДокумент Comparative description of the binding specificity of receptors of structural components of the glandular zone mucosa of the rat hard palate using α-galactose-specific soybean lectin(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2024) Yeroshenko, G. A.; Tymoshenko, Yu. V.; Kulai, О. O.; Shevchenko, K. V.; Zviahilska, I. M.; Kopantseva, L. M.; Khilinska, T. V.; Єрошенко, Галина Анатоліївна; Тимошенко, Юлія Володимирівна; Кулай, Ольга Олександрівна; Шевченко, Костянтин Васильович; Звягільська, І. М.; Копанцева, Лариса Миколаївна; Хілінська, Тетяна ВолодимирівнаThe paper presents the data of a lectinochemical study of the components of the mucous membrane of the glandular zone of the dura mater of rats with the help of α-galactose-specific soybean lectin. It was found that increased expression of receptors for α-galactose-specific lectin of soybean seeds was determined in the spiky, granular layers to a strong degree, in the basal layer the degree of binding remained constant, compared to the 14th day of observation. It increased from weak to moderate on the part of the basement membrane. The reaction from the mast cells remained strong. Therefore, the changes that occur under the influence of a 1 % solution of methyl ether of methacrylic acid on the mucous membrane of the hard palate should indicate changes in the structural components of this zone, which leads to a violation of the function of the minor salivary glands and the development of a pathological process. The α-galactose-specific lectin of soybean seeds can be a marker of these processes. В роботі представлені дані лектинохімічного дослідження компонентів слизової оболонки залозистої зони твердого щурів за допомогою α-галактозоспецифічного лектину насіння сої. Встановлено, що посилення експресії рецепторів до α-галактозоспецифічного лектину насіння сої визначено в шипуватому, зернистому шарах до сильного, в базальному шарі ступінь звʼязування залишився сталим, порівняно з 14–ою добою спостереження. З боку базальної мембрани, зі слабкого посилився до помірного. Реакція з боку мастоцитів залишилась сталою сильною. Отже, зміни які відбуваються під впливом дії 1 % розчину метилового ефіру метакрилової кислоти на слизовій оболонці твердого піднебіння мають свідчити про зміни структурних компонентів данної зони, що призводить до порушення функції малих слинних залоз та розвитку патологічного процесу. А α-галактозоспецифічний лектин насіння сої може виступати маркером цих процесів.Документ Determination of Сarbohydrates in the Herb Erigeron Annuus(Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, 2024) Kovalev, Sergey V.; Golovach, Alena R.; Kovalev, Vladimir M.; Deviatkina, Nataliia M.; Ковальов, Сергій Володимирович; Дев'яткіна, Наталія МиколаївнаThe purpose of the article is to provide an assessment of phytochemical studies of the monosaccharide composition of an annual grass of the asteraceae family, common in Ukraine. The wide geographical distribution of Erigeron species from North America to Japan makes it promising to study the depth of the monosaccharide composition of Erigeron annuus. The carbohydrates were separated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after conversion into volatile aldononitrile acetate derivatives. The monomeric composition of polysaccharides was studied after their hydrolysis to form monosaccharides and polyalcohols. Quantitative analyses of free carbohydrates showed that the predominant sugars were fructose, glucose and disaccharide – sucrose. The chromatographic study revealed a number of polyalcohols that are important for the treatment and prevention of progression of diabetes mellitus and its complications, namely, mannitol.Документ Diagnosis and compensation of educational losses Of medical students during martial law(Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В. Г. Короленка, 2024) Kopantseva, L. M.; Копанцева, Лариса МиколаївнаThe martial law caused by the Russian aggression against Ukraine has seriously affected all aspects of life, including education. Medical education, which requires not only heoretical knowledge but also significant practical experience, has been particularly affected. The loss of access to clinical sites, restrictions on communication between students and teachers, and psychological difficulties have made the learning process for medical students much more difficult. To ensure quality training of future doctors, it is necessary to introduce systematic approaches to diagnosing educational losses and develop mechanisms to compensate for them, taking into account the peculiarities of the modern educational environment. Diagnostics of educational losses should be systematic and cover all aspects of medical students’ training. When analysing cognitive losses, we pay attention to the assessment of theoretical knowledge. Teachers of the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy use tests and quizzes to identify gaps in knowledge of basic disciplines (anatomy, histology, biochemistry, etc.). Comparing the results before and during martial law helps to assess the extent of losses. The level of mastery of professional terminology is decreasing due to insufficient contact with teachers and colleagues; during distance learning, higher education students may have difficulty using medical terminology.Документ Effective Atomic Charges on Carbon Atoms in C–H Bonds are Reliable Predictors of Reactivity of Alcohols in Hydrogen-Abstraction Reactions(Інститут металофізики ім. Г. В. Курдюмова НАН України, 2019-08-11) Tsuber, V. Yu.; Nikoziat, Yu. B.; Kopantseva, L. M.; Ishcheykina, L. K.; Ivashchenko, O. D.; Цубер, Вікторія Юріївна; Нікозять, Юлія Борисівна; Копанцева, Лариса Миколаївна; Іщейкіна, Любов Костянтинівна; Іващенко, Олена Дмитрівна; Цубер, Виктория Юрьевна; Никозять, Юлия Борисовна; Копанцева, Лариса Николаевна; Ищейкина, Любовь Константиновна; Иващенко, Елена ДмитриевнаEffective atomic charges on H-bearing carbon atoms are suggested as ro-bust predictors of hydrogen-abstraction reactivity of alcohols. Mulliken partial charges and HOMO energy values are calculated at the RHF 6-31G(d,p) level for 17 monofunctional alcohols and for 13 difunctional al-cohols, for which kinetic data are known. As found, the Mulliken charges on carbon atoms are strongly associated with the liability of the C–H bond to undergo hydrogen abstraction. An index of carbon positivity, CP10x, where x is the effective partial charge on the carbon atom, is proposed for convenient evaluation of the effect of the partial charge of the carbon atom on its reactivity in the hydrogen-abstraction reaction. The sum of all positivity indices, CP total, is strongly associated with the hydrogen-abstraction rate constant of the alcohol and reflects a combined effect of the reactivity of the dominant hydrogen-abstraction channel and the num-ber of H-bearing carbon atoms in the molecule. Thus, CP total is a crucial predictor of reactivity of alcohols in the hydrogen-abstraction reaction.Ефективні атомові заряди на зв’язаних з Гідроґеном атомах Карбону запропоновано як надійні предиктори реакційної здатности спиртів у реакціях абстракції Гідроґену. Маллікенові часткові заряди та значен-ня енергії HOMO обчислено на рівні RHF 6-31G(d,p) для 17 монофунк-ціональних спиртів і для 13 дифункціональних спиртів, для яких ві-домі кінетичні дані. Виявлено, що Маллікенові заряди на атомах Кар-бону сильно пов’язані зі схильністю зв’язку C–H до абстракції Гідроґе-ну. Для зручного оцінювання впливу часткового заряду атома Карбону на його реакційну здатність у реакції абстракції Гідроґену запропоно-вано індекс позитивности атомів Карбону CP10x, де x — ефективний частковий заряд на атомі Карбону. Сума всіх індексів позитивности CP total суттєво асоціюється з константою швидкости реакцій абстракції Гідроґену для спиртів і відображає комбінований вплив реакційної здатности домінувального каналу абстракції Гідроґену та кількости зв’язаних з атомами Гідроґену атомів Карбону в молекулі. Таким чи-ном, значення CP total є важливим предиктором реакційної здатности спиртів у реакції абстракції Гідроґену. Эффективные атомные заряды на связанных с атомами водорода ато-мах углерода предложены в качестве надёжных предикторов реакци-онной способности спиртов в реакциях абстракции водорода. Частич-ные заряды Малликена и значения энергии НОМО были рассчитаны на уровне RHF 6-31G(d,p) для 17 монофункциональных спиртов и для 13 бифункциональных спиртов, для которых известны кинетические дан-ные. Обнаружено, что заряды Малликена на атомах углерода тесно связаны со склонностью связи C–H к абстракции водорода. Индекс по-зитивности углерода CP10x, где x — эффективный частичный заряд на атоме углерода, предложен для удобной оценки влияния частичного заряда атома углерода на его реакционную способность в реакции абст-ракции водорода. Сумма всех индексов позитивности CP total тесно свя-зана с константой скорости реакции абстракции водорода для спиртов и отражает совокупный эффект реакционной способности доминирую-щего канала абстракции водорода и числа связанных с атомами водо-рода атомов углерода в молекуле. Таким образом, CP total является важ-ным предиктором реакционной способности спиртов в реакции абст-ракции водорода.Документ Express method of analytical control of water-soluble fluorides in soils and grains(2021-02) Nikoziat, Yulia Borysivna; Ivashchenko, Olena Dmytriivna; Нікозять, Юлія Борисівна; Іващенко, Олена ДмитрівнаThe results of the development of modern methods of analytical express control of fluorine make it possible to monitor the state of soils, water and plant raw materials not only in the conditions of geochemical provinces, but also in areas characterized by an increased content of this element, as a result of anthropogenic human activity.Документ Expression of genes in the inflammasome pathway effects survival in kidney renal clear cell carcinoma(2021-04) Tsuber, V. Yu.; Цубер, Вікторія ЮріївнаInflammation plays a role at all stages of cancer. Inflammasomes are an integral part of inflammation response. Inflammasomes are large multiprotein complexes that are a part of innate immune system. They are potent inducers of maturation and secretion of pro-inflammatory interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-18 during inflammation. Activation of inflammasomes causes a pro-inflammatory form of programmed cell death called pyroptosis accompanied by cytokine secretion. We studied effect of differential gene expression in the inflammasome pathway on survival of patients with kidney renal clear cell carcinoma with the Kaplan-Meier survival analysis.Документ Formation of knowledge about the features of the structure of the biological liquid of saliva in the course of medical chemistry(2021-02) Nikoziat, Y. B.; Nadori, Adam; Нікозять, Юлія Борисівна; Надорі, АдамIn terms of medical chemistry, students get acquainted with the structure and properties of the main biological fluids of the human body. Special attention of dental students is paid to modern ideas about the chemical composition and properties of saliva. When studying the material, students pay attention to the following issues: organic and inorganic components of saliva and their role; biologically active components of saliva and their physiological role as well; regulation of saliva composition; features of saliva composition in various diseases; the possibility of using biochemical parameters of saliva for the diagnosis of dental diseases.Документ Hedgehog pathway signaling is associated with survival in breast cancer(2021-05) Tsuber, V. Yu.; Цубер, Вікторія ЮріївнаHedgehog pathway is one of the major developmental pathways in a variety of multicellular organisms from flies to humans. Though its components are also involved in a number of postnatal developmental processes, the hedgehog pathway is mostly inactive in the adult organism. However, aberrant Hedgehog signaling has been linked to numerous types of cancers and several components of the pathway are either proto-oncoproteins or tumor suppressors. We studied effect of differential expression of genes involved in Hedgehog signaling on survival in breast cancer patients.We found, that change of gene expression of a number of components of the Hedgehog pathway is associated with an alteration in survival in breast cancer patients.Документ Medical Chemistry : Workbook for students of dentistry faculties of higher educational institutions of Ministry of Health of Ukraine(2021-06) Ivashchenko, O. D.; Nikozyat, Yu. B.; Tsuber, V. Yu.; Ishcheykina, L. K.; Kopantseva, L. M.; Didenko, Ye. P.; Іващенко, Олена Дмитрівна; Нікозять, Юлія Борисівна; Цубер, Вікторія Юріївна; Іщейкіна, Любов Костянтинівна; Копанцева, Лариса Миколаївна; Діденко, Євгенія ПавлівнаДокумент Medical Chemistry : Workbook for students of medical faculties of higher educational institutions of Ministry of Health of Ukraine(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2021-06) Ivashchenko, O. D.; Nikozyat, Yu. B.; Tsuber, V. Yu.; Ishcheykina, L. K.; Kopantseva, L. M.; Didenko, Ye. P.; Іващенко, Олена Дмитрівна; Нікозять, Юлія Борисівна; Цубер, Вікторія Юріївна; Іщейкіна, Любов Костянтинівна; Копанцева, Лариса Миколаївна; Діденко, Євгенія ПавлівнаДокумент Methodical instructions for self-preparatory work of first-year students of the medical faculty in medical chemistry(Вищий державний навчальний заклад України «Українська медична стоматологічна академія», 2010) Tsuber, V.; Kharchenko, S.; Ishcheykina, L.; Storozhenko, V.; Syzonenko, N.; Цубер, Вікторія Юріївна; Харченко, Світлана Володимирівна; Іщейкіна, Любов Костянтинівна; Стороженко, Володимир Олексійович; Сизоненко, Наталія Валентинівна; Цубер, Виктория Юрьевна; Харченко, Светлана Владимировна; Ищейкина, Любовь Константиновна; Стороженко, Владимир Алексеевич; Сизоненко, Наталья ВалентиновнаThe booklet contains methodical instructions in self-preparatory work in medicinal chemistry for first-year students of the medicinal faculty. The Methodical instructions in medicinal chemistry (Module 1-2) for self-preparatory work of first-year students of higher medicinal educational institutions of the IV accreditation level are prepared in accordance with the program “Medicinal chemistry” from 2005. The methodical instruction of each lesson contains the subject of the lesson, aim of studying, necessary skills and knowledge. Plans for self-preparation and self-assessment tasks are included. At the end of the booklet there is a list of recommended literature. Integration of chemistry with other subjects of study is accounted for. The booklet also contains methodical instructions for self-preparatory independent work in order to help students to learn the topics which are not included in the class work. Theoretical knowledge and practical skills in bioinorganic, physical and colloidal chemistry are important in studying biochemistry, hygiene, pharmacology, physiology and specialized medical and dentistry subjects. Збірник містить методичні вказівки до самостійної роботи з медичної хімії для студентів першого курсу медичного факультету. Методичні вказівки складені відповідно до Програми з навчальної дисципліни “Медична хімія” (Київ, 2005 р.). У методичних вказівках до кожного заняття зазначені: обгрунтування теми і мета заняття, перелік знань, умінь і навичок, якими повинен оволодіти студент. Для кращої підготовки студентів до заняття складена орієнтовна картка з основними питаннями теми, запропоновані питання і завдання для самостійного опрацювання з відповідями. Наведений список необхідної літератури. У вказівках врахована інтеграція викладання хімії з іншими навчальними дисциплінами. У збірнику містяться також методичні рекомендації для самостійної позааудиторної роботи студентів з тих тем програми, що винесені на самостійне опрацювання. Вони допоможуть студентам краще засвоїти цей матеріал. Теоретичні знання та практичні навички з цих розділів курсу будуть необхідні студентам при подальшому вивченні біохімії, гігієни, фармакології, фізіології, спеціальних медичних дисциплін. Матеріали збірника допоможуть студентам краще оволодіти знаннями та вміннями, набути необхідних практичних навичок.Документ Methodical instructions in Medical Chemistry for self-preparatory work of first-year students of dentistry during preparation to practical classes and in class. Module «Basics of Medical Chemistry»(Вищий державний навчальний заклад України «Українська медична стоматологічна академія», 2014) Tsuber, V.; Kharchenko, S.; Ishcheykina, L.; Цубер, Вікторія Юріївна; Харченко, Світлана Володимирівна; Іщейкіна, Любов Костянтинівна; Цубер, Виктория Юрьевна; Харченко, Светлана Владимировна; Ищейкина, Любовь КонстантиновнаThe Methodical Instructions are prepared according to Program “Medical Chemistry” for students of dentistry at higher medical educational institutions of III – IV accreditation levels for speciality “Stomatology” (Kyiv, 2010). The Methodical Istructions are structured in one module “Basics of Medical Chemistry”, that includes two thematical modules: “Homogeneous equilibriums in biological fluids” and “Heterogeneous equilibriums in biological fluids”. The booklet includes 18 laboratory-practical (2 hours) lessons and questions for the Summary Module Control. Importance of the subject, concrete aims, basic knowledge and skills necessary to study the subject, tasks for self-preparation for the lesson (theoretical questions, practical work) and materials for self-control (with questions and answers) are provided for every lesson.Документ Mutations in cancer cause gain of cysteine, histidine and tryptophan at the expense of a net loss of arginine on the proteome level(MDPI, 2017-07-03) Tsuber, V.; Kadamov, Y.; Brautigam, L.; Warpman-Berglund, U.; Helleday, T.; Цубер, Вікторія ЮріївнаAccumulation of somatic mutations is critical for the transition of a normal cell to become cancerous. Mutations cause amino acid substitutions that change properties of proteins. However, it has not been studied to what extent the composition and accordingly chemical properties of the cell proteome is altered as a result of the increased mutation load in cancer. Here, we analyzed data on amino acid substitutions caused by mutations in about 2000 protein coding genes from the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia that contains information on nucleotide and amino acid alterations in 782 cancer cell lines, and validated the analysis with information on amino acid substitutions for the same set of proteins in COSMIC (v78) in circa 18000 tumor samples. We found that nonsynonymous single nucleotide substitutions in the analyzed proteome subset ultimately result in a net gain of cysteine, histidine and tryptophan at the expense of a net loss of arginine. The extraordinary loss of arginine may be attributed to some extent to composition of its codons as well as to importance of arginine in functioning of prominent tumor suppressor proteins like p53.Документ Population food habits and the impact of the nature of nutrition of the ecological environment(2021-05) Makhoul, Sarah; Nikozyat, Y. B.; Макхул, Сара; Нікозять, Юлія БорисівнаEconutrition establishes a link between environmental factors and human health, and consists in particular of studying the interactions between agriculture, ecology and human nutrition. Food choice approaches are used to improve and diversify diets. The article considers the main points of the peculiarities of the population's nutrition and their ecological impact in such countries as Ukraine and Côte d'Ivoire.Документ Problems of falsification of medicinal products in the conditions of the COVID-19 Pandemic: adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to the norms of the European Union(2023) Rizak, Galina; Heiko, Iryna; Dovzhuk, Viktoria; Konovalova, Liudmyla; Vlasenko, Natalya; Власенко, Наталія ОлександрівнаThe problem of distribution of low-quality medicinal products in Ukraine has become especially relevant against the background of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. The challenge to the national medical system became more tangible, as the fight against the virus and quarantine restrictions became heavy psychological blows for patients who sought appropriate treatment in an unofficial way. The purpose of the article is to analyze the problem of falsification of medicines in the conditions of a pandemic and to develop development models against the background of the study of European legislative norms. General scientific methods (synthesis, analysis, induction and deduction) became the main methods for writing the article. The methods of content analysis, systematic review of scientific literature, SMART and FINER principles were also used. The results highlighted one of the most important problems of the distribution of falsified and unlicensed drugs during the spread of COVID-19 - the semi-legal activity of pharmacies that work exclusively in the field of online sales. The requirements for their activities are quite loyal, and the distribution of low-quality or uncertified medicinal products is punished only administratively. The possibility of using European (primarily German) experience to counter the distribution of falsified medicines was discussed. Attention was also drawn to the geopolitical factor in the fight against COVID-19 – the use of the Russian vaccine “SPUTNIK V”, which in the conditions of Russian aggression can be assessed as a hybrid threat. The problematic nature of using this vaccine has been demonstrated, given the secrecy of the mechanism of conducting experiments. Resolutions of the European regulatory bodies allowed Ukrainian doctors not to use this vaccine either. This episode can be considered a positive moment of using European experience to establish medical rules for work in Ukraine. The conclusions note the need to reform Ukrainian legislation, take into account the European experience and harmonize with European regulations on the circulation of medical drugs. Such a step will make it possible to face modern challenges and significantly complicate the entry of counterfeit medicines into Ukraine.Документ Role of machine learning in modern chemistry(2021-04) Tsuber, V. Yu.; Цубер, Вікторія ЮріївнаMachine learning (ML) is an application of artificial intelligence in which systems are able to learn by themselves from experience without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning creates algorithms that learn automatically without human assistance. Such algorithms are able to find new knowledge in massive quantities of data. Deep learning (DL) is a principal method of machine learning. In it, deep neural networks (DNN) are built of multiple layers. The signal that goes forth through the layers enables for extraction of higher-level features from the raw data. DNN have been used in multiple domains including drug design, bioinformatics, analysis of medical images and genetic data, prediction of material properties etc. In these fields, the DNN algorithms fared as well and sometimes even better than human experts. There have been multiple domains where deep learning is applied to solve long-standing problems in chemistry. The arising big chemical databases have been successfully used to decipher data patterns with DL methods in quantum chemistry, molecular dynamics simulations, identification of new drug candidates, protein structure prediction, in silico discovery of novel molecules, to name but a few. Here, we discuss a number of public chemical databases that are used for machine learning discoveries.Документ Somatic Evolution Introduces Distinctive Changes in Proteome Composition in Cancer Types(bioRxiv, 2018-09) Tsuber, V. Yu.; Цубер, Вікторія Юріївна; Цубер, Виктория ЮрьевнаOn the proteome level, somatic evolution in cancer is asymmetric, with several amino acids being irreversibly lost and the others gained across cancer types. However, though the gains and losses of amino acids are consistent in multiple cancer types, their magnitudes and prevalences differ. Here, we analyzed data on circa three million amino acid substitutions in the Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC) database to investigate profiles of gains and losses of amino acids in 23 human cancer types. We found characteristic differences in amino acid gain/loss profiles in the cancer types, with several of them demonstrating very specific profiles of proteome alterations associated with distinct endogenous or exogenous factors.