Вісник проблем біології і медицини, 2023, Випуск 4 (171)
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Документ Frequency analysis of isolated and combined lesions of the maxillary and frontal sinuses according to X-ray data(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2023) Rudnytska, Kh. I.; Moskalyk, O. E.; Pronina, O. M.; Bilash, S. M.; Chelpanova, I. V.; Chaly, I.-V. T.; Diskovska, Yu. B.; Рудницька, Х. І.; Москалик, О. Є.; Проніна, Олена Миколаївна; Білаш, Сергій Михайлович; Челпанова, І. В.; Чалий, І.-В. Т.; Дісковська, Ю. Б.One of the actual problems of modern otorhinolaryngology is a significant increase in the incidence of paranasal sinuses, in particular acute and chronic sinusitis, which, according to the literature, is 1.5-2% per year. The purpose of our research was to study and compare the frequency of isolated and combined sinusitis of the maxillary and frontal sinuses according to radiographic examination data. 100 anonymized radiographs of persons of mature age (50 men and 50 women) who were examined by referral for inflammatory lesions of the paranasal sinuses were analyzed. All images were taken in the occipito-mental projection according to Waters, which allowed visualization of the maxillary and frontal sinuses. Different variants of isolated or combined inflammatory lesions of the maxillary and frontal sinuses were found in the studied sample. Signs of one- or two-sided catarrhal or exudative sinusitis were observed in all processed Xrays. In 84% of the examined persons, a lesion of only the maxillary sinuses was diagnosed, in 16% of the examined, a combined lesion of the maxillary and frontal sinuses was detected. Not a single case of isolated frontitis was found in the studied sample. According to radiographic examination, inflammatory processes in the maxillary sinuses are observed 6 times more often than in the frontal sinuses. Isolated lesions of the maxillary sinuses are found 5 times more often than combined lesions of the maxillary and frontal sinuses.Документ Comparative analysis of methods of diagnosis of "dry eye" syndrome(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2023) Voskresenska, L. K.; Ryadnova, V. V.; Воскресенська, Людмила Костянтинівна; Ряднова, Вікторія ВікторівнаDespite the high prevalence of dry eye disease, it is difficult for a doctor to detect it. This problem is due to the wide variability of clinical signs and the need for a transparent diagnostic scheme for an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, a comparison of the values of diagnostic methods is presented to detect DED even with a mild form. The study aims to compare and analyze the main ways of diagnosing "dry eye" syndrome. We examined 28 people (56 eyes) aged between 30 and 60. All patients were interviewed before the main symptoms (sensation of dryness in the eye, foreign body and others), and the detected symptoms were evaluated on a point scale. The patients underwent the Schirmer I test, Norn test, instillation of 1% fluorescein solution and lissamine green. The quality of the tear film was determined using interferometry. After examining the patients, two groups were formed: group I (18 people) had symptoms of mild DED, group II (10 people) had symptoms of moderate severity. The degree of expression on the scale of subjective symptoms of DED had significant variability. The analysis of the objective signs of DED indicates the non-specificity of subjective symptoms, which indicates the need for additional diagnostic methods (Schirmer test, Norn test, fluorescent test). The interferometry method for studying the state of the tear film showed the greatest informativeness in diagnosing the degree of DED. In most cases, subjective symptoms and biomicroscopic signs do not fully characterize the tear film's condition, so additional research methods are necessary. The Norn test is more informative than the Schirmer I test for diagnosing mild DED. Detection of punctate corneal erosions is better when using 1% fluorescein than lissamine green. The interferometry method fully provides information about the state of the tear film, especially with a mild degree of DED.