Проблеми екології та медицини, Том 24, № 5-6

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Зараз показуємо 1 - 2 з 2
  • Документ
    Application of pioglitazone in the comprehensive treatment of psoriatic patients with concomitant alimentary obesity
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2020) Yemchenko, Ya. O.; Ishcheikin, K. Ye.; Kaidashev, I. P.; Ємченко, Яна Олександрівна; Іщейкін, Костянтин Євгенович; Кайдашев, Ігор Петрович
    Psoriasis is one of the most common chronic recurrent systemic autoimmune multifactorial diseases, in which the skin, joints, internal organs and systems of the body are involved in the pathological process. Despite the significant preva-lence of psoriasis and a large number of studies on this problem, there is still no single view on the pathogenesis of this dermatosis. To objectively understand the pathogenesis of psoriasis, it is necessary to take into account the insufficiently studied comorbidity of this pathology. Recently, an indisputable link between psoriasis and obesity has been proven. The scientific literature widely covers the issue of identical pathogenetic mechanisms of inflammatory processes in psoriasis and obesity. Given the current data on the role of systemic inflammation underlying the development of both psoriasis and obesity, the study of molecular mechanisms of its development and taking into account the role of proinflammatory nuclear transcription factors, thiazolidinediones are the pathogenetically justified drugs of choice for treatment of these diseases. In this study, we determined the effectiveness of using 15 mg of pioglitazone once a day for 6 months in the treatment of patients with extensive psoriasis vulgaris of moderate severity and concomitant grade І-ІІ alimentary obesity by clinical and immunological examination of systemic inflammation. Analyzing the results of the study, it was found that long-term use of pioglitazone, even in small doses, led to a decrease in systemic inflammation and con-tributed to a milder course of psoriasis in recurrence of the disease.
  • Документ
    Possibilities of electro-photonic emission analysis in the representation of system information energy processes of the human organism
    (Українська медична стоматологічна академія, 2020) Nevoit, G. V.; Невойт, Ганна Володимирівна; Невойт, Анна Владимировна
    The aim of the study is to assess the clinical and diagnostic capabilities of electro-рhotonic emission analysis in the reflection of systemic information energy processes of the human body to increase the effectiveness of measures to prevent and treat NCDs by improving their diagnosis and prevention through the introduction of modern science-intensive technologies and scientific magnetoelec-trochemical concept of metabolism. The results of the оpen, non-randomized, controlled study of 56 functional respondents who do not systematically engage in sports are presented. The electroрhotonic emission analysis was performed on a certified measuring device Bio-Well GDV Camera 2.0 (Bio-Well, Russia-USA). Different levels of functional status and different degrees of health were established as a result of the study. The method of electrophoton emission analysis allows us to calculate the parameters of the state of metabolism of substances at the tissue level and indirectly assess the general functional state of patients based on data processing regarding the intensity and nature of localization of photon emission from the fingers of the respondent. The method for the electro-рhotonic emission analysis is recom-mended by the authors for possible use in clinical medicine in order to objectively assess the energy status of the pa-tient.