Адаптаційно-компенсаторні реакції організму підлітків зі сколіозом шкільного віку (11-14 років)

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Українська медична стоматологічна академія


У роботі представлено результати вивчення рівня адаптаційної напруги на основі абсолютної й відносної кількості основних популяцій імунокомпетентних клітин у підлітків зі сколіозом і практично здорових однолітків віком 11-14 років. Дослідження дозволило нам встановити, що адаптаційний індекс у хлопчиків і дівчаток зі сколіозом підвищується і це свідчить про можливість сприятливого прогнозу психофізичного розвитку дітей цього віку; В работе представлены результаты изучения уровня адаптационного напряжения на основе абсолютного и относительного количества основных популяций иммунокомпетентных клеток у подростков со сколиозом и практически здоровых сверстников возрастом 11-14 лет. Исследование позволило нам установить, что адаптационный индекс у мальчиков и девочек со сколиозом повышается и это свидетельствует о возможности благоприятного прогноза психофизического развития детей этого возраста; The environment of dwelling, diseases and special states, result in development of adaptation processes, forming of stresses, varying on the depth of duration and by possibility of scray processes. The indicated processes are required by alterations of the scray, regulator systems of organism. It affects the state, both individual health and collective health, on the structure of morbidity practically healthy people and children with scoliosis. The level of adaptation tension of children with scoliosis truly is not studied in connection with narrow mindedness of contingent in certain regions. Therefore we undertook an attempt to define the degree of adaptation tension of organism of children with scoliosis in the group of school age: from 11 to 14 years is the second age-dependent group. Implementation of this work was pursued by the decision of two tasks. At first presented cognitive interest: it is a study of influence of scoliosis on the testimonies of cellular reactivity, organism of children, reactive answer of neutrophils , heterospecific antiinfectious defence and immunological reactivity of organism of children with scoliosis depending on age and floor. Secondly, during research it is possible to get information which would serve foundation for setting of periodic consultations of medical psychologist, in the process of lead through of rehabilitation measures of psychiphysical status of children with scoliosis. The purpose of the study is to examine the extent of adaptive strength of children with scoliosis at the age of 11-14 years on the basis of the values of absolute and relative quantity of major immunocompetent cells in the peripheral blood. The study was conducted with 19 children of 11-14 years who has scoliosis (9 boys and 10 girls). As a control group the similar studies were conducted on 24 healthy peers (12 boys and 12 girls). We will bring our results over of study of level of adaptation tension of organism of teenagers with scoliosis in age 11-14 years. In healthy adolescents aged 11-14 years, the level of adaptive strength is increased in boys the adaptive strength level is increased at 20.0%, at 32.5% in girls and is mainly in persistent activation zone. For individual adaptation strength boys are in the reaction zone on the drill (66,67%), and also in areas of stable and improved activation. In girls with scoliosis adaptive strength level is lower at 15.22% compared with the same parameters in healthy girls aged 11-14 years. These girls are primarily (60,0%) in the exercise zone, although they also belong to the zone of activation and stress. Comparing the collective adaptive strength levels in boys and girls aged 11-14 years with scoliosis it should be noted that in girls the collective adaptive strength level is higher at 6.98% compared to such indicators in boys with scoliosis at age 11-14 years. Conclusions. Adaptation index of boys with scoliosis is higher at 20.0%, at 32.5% in girls, it suggests the possibility of a favorable prognosis of psychiphysical development of adolescents in this age group (11-14 years). For individual adaptation strength boys are in the reaction zone for training, as in zones of stable and increased activation and girls are mainly in the area of training, although they also belong to the zone of the activation bar and stress. Prospects for further research. To study the indicators of the immune status of students 11-14 years old with scoliosis in comparison with their peers from mainstream schools. The obtained results are the basis to study the effects of the measures and methods of gradual physical education to improve adaptation processes of the organism of children with scoliosis.


Ключові слова

підлітки 11-14 років, сколіоз, адаптаційна напруга, імунокомпетентні клітини, подростки 11-14 лет, сколиоз, адаптационное напряжение, иммунокомпетентные клетки, teenagers of 11-14 years, scoliosis, adaptive strength, immunocompetent cells

Бібліографічний опис

Адаптаційно-компенсаторні реакції організму підлітків зі сколіозом шкільного віку (11-14 років) / О. А. Дичко, В. І. Шейко, І. Ю. Курильченко, В. А. Пономарьов // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2017. – Вип. 1 (135).– С. 403–407.