Approaches to improving the quality of students' training in the department of prosthodontics with implantology


The modern training of the future dentists is aimed at the activation of the students' educational and cognitive activity, developing the ability to think creatively and form the capacity to analyze the facts. In addition, a modern dentist has to possess not only a high level of theoretical knowledge but also to have proper training in the form of appropriate skills and abilities. Along with this, higher education institutions are faced with the issue of preparing specialists who meet the world's requirements. This prompts teachers to find new educational technologies and teaching methods that meet them.


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Бібліографічний опис

Tumakova O. B. Approaches to improving the quality of students' training in the department of prosthodontics with implantology / O. B. Tumakova, V. M. Novikov, K. V. Marchenko // Актуальні проблеми сучасної ортопедичної стоматології : матеріали Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф., м. Вінниця, 10–11 травня 2019 р. – Вінниця, 2019. – С. 75–77.