Світ медицини та біології, № 3 (81)

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Зараз показуємо 1 - 8 з 8
  • Документ
    Study of the emotional status of patients with acute myocardial infarction and their relatives at different stages of the patient's route
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022-09) Holovanova, I. A.; Oksak, G. A.; Filatova, O. V.; Lyakhova, N. O.; Pluzhnikova, T. V.; Khorosh, M. V.; Filatova, V. L.; Голованова, Ірина Анатоліївна; Оксак, Григорій Анатолійович; Філатова, Олена Вікторівна; Ляхова, Наталія Олександрівна; Плужнікова, Тетяна Владиславівна; Хорош, Максим Вікторович; Філатова, Валентина Луківна
    It is difficult for a person with any disease to control their emotions, it is difficult to understand their emotional experiences and manage their emotional state. The subjective emotional state of a patient diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction is ignored. To study the emotional state, the authors developed a “Map of emotions of the route of a patient with acute myocardial infarction”. This map shows the palette of negative emotions of the patient and his accompanying relatives on the way from the sudden onset of symptoms to the arrival at the emergency department. The map shows their change to more positive emotions. At the prehospital stage, the medical staff of the ambulance should explain to the patient and his companion what is happening at each stage of the patient's journey. This will positively affect the transformation of negative emotions into positive ones, increase the patient's cognitive abilities
  • Документ
    The choice of a method for surgical treatment of internal chronic hemorrhoids
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Kravtsiv, M. I.; Dudchenko, M. O.; Ivashchenko, D. M.; Prykhidko, R. A.; Shevchuk, M. P.; Zaiets, S. M.; Ivanova, G. O.; Кравців, Микола Ігорович; Дудченко, Максим Олександрович; Іващенко, Дмитро Миколайович; Прихідько, Роман Анатолійович; Шевчук, Микола Петрович; Заєць, Сергій Миколайович; Іванова, Галина Олегівна
    Haemorrhoids are one of the most common diseases in the anorectal zone. Often this disease requires surgical treatment, so the study of types of operations for treatment of hemorrhoids is very important in our time. The aim of our study was to compare Rafaelo radiofrequency ablation of hemorrhoids and Milligan-Morgan hemorrhoidectomy to determine the best method of surgical treatment of chronic hemorrhoids. Our study included 135 patients divided into two groups. The first group consisted of 75 patients operated on by radiofrequency ablation, the second group consisted of 60 patients who underwent classical Milligan-Morgan hemorrhoidectomy. Obtained results showed that the method of radiofrequency ablation of hemorrhoids using the Rafaelo method is less traumatic, easier to perform for surgeons, has an insignificant level of postoperative pain, low frequency of early and late postoperative complications and recurrence, does not require additional drug therapy and is characterized by a short postoperative period and recovery.
  • Документ
    The role of sulfide anion in the developmen of oxidatives stress in the liver under conditions of chronic alcoholic hepatitis
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Mykytenko, A. O.; Akimov, O. E.; Eroshenko, G. A.; Neporada, K. S.; Микитенко, Андрій Олегович; Акімов, Олег Євгенович; Єрошенко, Галина Анатоліївна; Непорада, Каріне Степанівна
    The pathogenesis of alcoholic hepatitis is multifactorial and is the final result of a complex interaction of ethanol metabolism, inflammation and immunological reactions. The molecular mechanisms of H2S action in alcoholic hepatitis have not been sufficiently studied, and its protective role has not been proven. The experiments were carried out on 30 white, sexually mature outbred male rats, weighing 180–220 g. The animals were divided into 2 groups: І – control (n=6); ІІ group – animals on which we simulated alcoholic hepatitis. In the homogenate of the liver of rats, the activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase, the concentration of malondialdehyde and oxidatively modified proteins, sulfide anion concentration and the production of superoxide anion were determined. A decrease in the concentration of sulfide anion against the background of an increase in the activity of superoxide dismutase and the presence of an inversely proportional strong correlation between them indicates the effect of alcohol on the thioredoxin system, namely, on the increase of expression of a protein that interacts with thioredoxin, stimulating the reaction of the latter with reactive oxygen species. Chronic alcohol intoxication leads to the development of oxidative stress in the liver of rats due to an increase in the production of reactive oxygen species. The decrease in the concentration of sulfide anion on the 28th day of the experiment is connected with its usage as an antioxidant.
  • Документ
    Morphometric characteristics of the rat small bronchi in consumption of the complex of food additives
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Eroshenko, G. A.; Donets, I. M.; Shevchenko, K. V.; Lysachenko, O. D.; Solod, A. V.; Vatsenko, A. V.; Ulanovska-Tsyba, N. A.; Єрошенко, Галина Анатоліївна; Донець, Ілона Миколаївна; Шевченко, Костянтин Васильович; Лисаченко, Ольга Дмитрівна; Солод, Анатолій Вікторович; Ваценко, Анжела Володимирівна; Улановська-Циба, Наталія Аркадіївна
    The paper presents the data of the morphometric study of the small bronchi of the lungs of rats under the complex effect of food additives. It has been established that consumption of the complex of food additives leads to a change in the morphometric parameters of the structural components of the small bronchi of the rat lungs, which at the early stages is manifested by a significant decrease in the morphometric parameters of the outer diameter and lumen with a significant increase in the height of the epitheliocytes in the small bronchi of all orders due to the primary endogenous impact of the components of the food additive complex, which is associated with spasm of the exchange blood vessels and the progressive phenomena of hypoxia. Subsequently, the impact of the alterative factor, which prevails over the protective mechanisms of the body, is manifested by the development of bronchospasm in the small bronchi of the 3rd order, the appearance of inflammatory infiltration in the bronchial walls and the formation of bronchial hyperreactivity, which is characteristic of the development of diseases of the respiratory system, including asthma.
  • Документ
    Anticholinergic burden in aging patients and its role in the development of bladder decompensation
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Pustovoit, G. L.; Sarychev, L. P.; Savchenko, R. B.; Sarychev, Y. V.; Ustenko, R. L.; Sukhomlin, S. A.; Пустовойт, Ганна Леонідівна; Саричев, Леонід Петрович; Савченко, Роман Борисович; Саричев, Ярослав Володимирович; Устенко, Роман Леонідович; Сухомлин, Сергій Адольфович
    Антихолінергічне навантаження розглядають як кумулятивний ефект від прийому препаратів з антихолінергічною активністю. У статті наведено дані про роль антихолінергічного навантаження в розвитку декомпенсації сечового міхура у хворих на доброякісну гіперплазію передміхурової залози. Обстежено 381 пацієнтів із доброякісною гіперплазією передміхурової залози в стадії субкомпенсації та декомпенсації сечового міхура. Антихолінергічне навантаження у пацієнтів літнього віку може розвиватися як в результаті прийому препаратів з високою потенційною антихолінергічної активністю, так і в результаті тривалого застосування препаратів з низькою потенційною антихолінергічної активністю. Препарати з високою потенційною антихолінергічною активністю зменшують симптоми гіперактивного сечового міхура у пацієнтів з доброякісною гіперплазією передміхурової залози, але антихолінергічне навантаження стає фактором поглиблення декомпенсації сечового міхура, що погіршує результати хірургічного лікування.
  • Документ
    Pathomorphosis of diseases of the digestive system allergic and non-allergic genesis in children of Ukraine in the dynamics of 25 years of observation
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Volosovets, O. P.; Kryuchko, T. O.; Marushko, Yu. V.; Shadrin, O. Н.; Volosovets, T. M.; Pochynok, T. V.; Churylina, A. V.; Волосовець, Олександр Петрович; Крючко, Тетяна Олександрівна; Марушко, Юрій Володимирович; Шадрін, Олег Геннадійович; Волосовець, Тетяна Миколаївна; Починок, Тетяна Вікторівна; Чуриліна, Аліна Василівна
    The purpose of the study was a retrospective 25-year analysis of the incidence and prevalence of the digestive system diseases of allergic and non-allergic genesis in children of Ukraine to determine the possibility of environmental factors’ influence on their development. We have used methods of system approach, epidemiological, correlation and cluster analysis of medical statistics data of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. A retrospective study from 1993 to 2017 have revealed that among children of Ukraine (aged 0–17 years included) there was a tendency of increasing the prevalence of diseases of the digestive system by 13.6 %, as well as their incidence – by 12.1 %, еspecially it is related to the children, affected by the Chernobyl accident. Over 25 years there have been significant changes in their structure, which requires careful attention to the above contingent of children.
  • Документ
    Morphological features of the stromal component of the liver in experimental supplement of rations with food additives
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Mustafina, Н. M.; Starchenko, I. I.; Koka, V. М.; Fylenko, B. М.; Roiko, N. V.; Cherniak, V. V.; Prylutskyi, O. K.; Мустафіна, Галія Міркатівна; Старченко, Іван Іванович; Кока, Володимир Миколайович; Филенко, Борис Миколайович; Ройко, Наталія Віталіївна; Черняк, Валентина Володимирівна; Прилуцький, Олексій Костянтинович
    The purpose of this study was to study in an experiment the morphological features of the structural organization of the periportal connective tissue of the liver of white rats after the introduction into the diet of a complex of food additives (sodium glutamate, sodium nitrite, Ponceau 4R) for 8 weeks. The study was performed on 30 outbred white rats of both sexes, weighing 204 ±0.67 g. The experimental animals were additionally fed a combination of food additives – monosodium glutamate, Ponceau R-4, sodium nitrate for 1 and 8 weeks. The study of the stromal component of the liver was carried out on traditional histological preparations. To differentiate immunocompetent cells of connective tissue structures, immunohistochemical reactions with antibodies to CD68 and CD3 were performed. It was established that the addition of a complex of food additives (sodium glutamate, sodium nitrite, ponzo 4R) to the standard diet of laboratory animals for 8 weeks leads to excessive development of connective tissue in the liver and changes in the relative number of CD3+ and CD68+ cellular elements.
  • Документ
    General description of patients with community-acquired pneumonia Who passed an open comparative study
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Berezniakov, V. I.; Кorzh, A. N.; Pavlov, S. B.; Yeroshenko, G. A.; Shevchenko, K. V.; Zvyagolska, І. М.; Sharlay, N. М.; Березняков, Владислав Ігорович; Корж, А. Н.; Павлов, Сергій Борисович; Єрошенко, Галина Анатоліївна; Шевченко, Костянтин Васильович; Звягольська, Ірина Миколаївна; Шарлай, Наталія Миколаївна
    The article provides a general description of the etiology and pathogenesis of patients with community-acquired pneumonia who passed an open comparative study at the Kharkiv Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 25. The most likely causative agents of community-acquired pneumonia in patients of the Therapeutic Department of the Kharkiv Municipal Clinical Hospital No 25 are Streptococcus pneumoniae and mixed cultures of bacteria, with an increase in the proportion of Staphylococcus aureus. In modern conditions, when choosing the tactics of antimicrobial therapy for community-acquired pneumonia, it is necessary to consider not only the spectrum of the most likely pathogens, but also the trends in the formation of antibiotic resistance in the leading etiological groups. It is impractical to prescribe empirical antibiotic therapy for community-acquired pneumonia without establishing an etiological diagnosis.