Optimization of educational activity and support of educational process at teaching on medical biology
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Дніпропетровська медична академія
Optimization of educational activity and support of educational process are necessary conditions of reformation and development of higher education Ukraine. Their implementation is carried out in search of matching the pedagogical system to the goals for reaching of which it was created. There are many options for organizing and implementing of educational activities and achieving the goal of ting. The methodological basis of optimization is a systematic approach, which Hires considering all the components of training and the educational process in the ty of regular relationships, relying on the general theory of management by complex dynamic systems.
Ключові слова
optimization, informational technologies, organization of study, methodical and technical support, process of education
Бібліографічний опис
Optimization of educational activity and support of educational process at teaching on medical biology / S. I. Dubinin, V. O. Piliuhin, A. V. Vatsenko [et al.] // Теорія та практика сучасної морфології : зб. наук. робіт третьої всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. з міжнар. участю, (м. Дніпро, 9–11 жовтня 2019 р.). – Дніпро, 2019. – С. 35–36.