Interrelations between dominant extremity, temperament type and behavioral strategies in the higher education foreign applicants from Iran

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International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR)


Typologies study is actual not only in theoretical but in applied aspect as well by the data of many authors in the scientific papers written in many areas in the Earth testifying to their multi-facetated assessment. In part Pedagogy belongs to such area where assessing the foreign students’ typological belonging defines reaching the individual approach that is considered to be the pedagogical direction in priority at Pedagogical sciences modern developmental stage. We put the aim to assess personality neuro-dynamic peculiarities (temperament type, extra-introversion) and personality cognitive style some parameters (locus-control, reaction styles in the complicated life situations such as coping, defense and avoiding) dependently on interhemispherical asymmetry individual profile (dexterity-sinistrality with other words) in the 19-27-yeared and both-sexed foreign students 63 in number. We also took the sinistrality type into consideration while defining the real, hidden or forced and unreal sinisters. We found following interrelations between studied indices. Melancholics were dominant among sinisters, sanguinics - among dexters. Melancholics were also dominant among ambidexters at sanguinics and phlegmatics complete absence. Melancholics were prevailing at sinisters division into groups. Introverts dominated among sinisters’ all groups and ambidexters while extroverts – among dexters. Defense strategy was characteristic for sinisters and ambidexters bigger amount while coping – for dexters. Sinisters and ambidexters had external locus-control while dexters - the internal one.


Ключові слова

foreign students, foreign applicants, higher education foreign applicants, pedagogy, individual approach in study, typologies, personality neuro-dynamic peculiarities, temperament types, cholerics, sanguinics, phlegmatics, melancholics, extra-introversion, extraverts, introverts, personality cognitive style parameters, locus-control, reaction styles in the complicated life situations, coping, defense, avoiding, interhemispherical asymmetry individual profile, sinisters, sinisters real, sinisters hidden, sinisters forced, sinisters unreal, sinistrality, sinistrality real, sinistrality hidden, sinistrality forced, sinistrality unreal

Бібліографічний опис

Interrelations between dominant extremity, temperament type and behavioral strategies in the higher education foreign applicants from Iran / E. V. Tkachenko, S. K. Jha, U. Rauth [et al.] // International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR). – 2022.– Vol. 7, issue 8. – P. 602–607.